Below are pictures of us at SuperCross in Salt Lake. It was alot of fun but pretty cold. I went there after the guys because I'm not as hard core as they are. But before I got there I went and bought some sleeping bags for the ice cubes that were sitting there. Dallas, Jaris and Jono really wrapped up in them. Luckily the race was lots of fun it was nice to have supercross come to Salt Lake and the govenor loves supercross so he got up and spoke and it was so funny to hear how much he loves it and how hard he tried to get it back in salt lake which we are all grateful for. Also we can't leave out what a good race it was, the guy we like won who is James Stewart. He is an amazing rider and beyond fast!
Here is a picture of Dallas' new truck pulling one of his work trailers! I am so happy that he was finally able to get his dream truck and he loves it and I love it more for the fact that it has a dvd in it which keeps both me and Cohen pretty entertain. Everytime Cohen gets in there he points up and asks for bikes, trucks, which is the movie thrillbillies that he absolutely loves!
I couldn't resist this picture I thought it was so cute how he ate his corn on the cob. I loved it and he loved it. It's funny how the most simple things in life a mom can take such pleasure out of.
Here we are back at Super Cross. We made the trek down to Vegas which was a long drive for me and I will tell you why later! We got down there though and had so much fun! We did a little shopping and then of course had to go straight to the race where we toured a huge semi that the racers have all the stuff in them. It's amazing how big those things are. So we just walked around and got to see the bikes and vendors and such. Then made it over to the actual race which is so much fun. They go all out, they have fireworks and cool introductions and then free style. It was alot of fun to be able to watch it all and I'm glad I have taken an interest in this and was invited this year. Last year all the guys went by themselves but this year I was able to come so I was very excited and I'm really glad I went. Afterwards most everyone but except me went and played games and I was just so exhausted that I went to bed. I know what a loser I am I'm in Vegas and I go to bed early. Oh well, it was a fun trip!
Here are some lone awaited pictures of Dallas' business. This is a picture of his office in Orem and all the trucks he has. It's amazing how fast this business has grown and how well it has done. But we give all the credit to the team they have built. They truly have a great team on their hands and we would be nothing without them, so thank you all who work here! Except it does suck that they probably see my husband more than I do now but I guess I should learn to share!
Now I will finally tell you the news that most of you have already known, because I'm not the best secret keeper and if you have been on a trip with me or been around me it's fairly obvious. But the Jackman family is now expecting another addition to our family. We are so very excited to expand. I am about 8 weeks so not very far, but I have already been so very beyond sick! I already am throwing up any where from 3 to 7 times a day! It's been pretty rough on me and I'm sure I'm already turning into a crazy pregnant woman because I just cry for no apparent reason. It's quite frustrating. My boys have been so good to me though, Cohen is my designated toilet flusher and helps me spit in the toilet and then closes the lid for me and Dallas has just been sweet and knows how hard this is, and makes sure that if I want something as long as I ask I can more than likely get it food wise. I am so excited to bring another child into this world because Cohen has been the light of our lives and I already love this baby just as much as him. I can't tell you how much children mean they are amazing! Hopefully soon I will start to feel better so I can at least enjoy being pregnant cause we all know that I"m not a huge fan of it. I told Dallas today that I never thought I would say this but I almost hope it's twins just so I have one less time of being pregnant! Flip Jon and Kate plus eight, she was only pregnant twice and has 8 kids, now in my book that is almost the way to go because being pregnant I get so sick. I feel so useless because I'm so tired and usually in the bathroom that I don't get much accomplished. But I know once the baby comes it will definitely all be worth it and I'm so excited for Cohen to be a big brother he will be so good and he already gives my tummy kisses which is precious! So there it is our big news!
7 years ago
Yeah for Baby #2...BOO for being so sick! Hopefully only a few more weeks of that nonsense. Any really...does it get any sweeter then seeing your two boys so cute together!? I think NOT! SO cute!
That is some awesome news!! I am so sorry you are so sick! That is the worst. Were you sick with Cohen? I think you guys should have loads of cute kids like Cohen. Watching those videos makes me so excited to have a little boy. Congrats!
I just found your blog and it was great to read about all the fun things you guys are up to! Congrats on baby number 2!
Congrats!!! That is so exciting. I am sorry that you are not feeling so good. I know how that is. I am just starting to better. It is hard to feel like you can do anything when you feel that way. I can't wait to see you and the rest of the girls. See you soon!! :)
Hey! I loved reading your whole post. You have such a cute family. Good luck with this pregnancy. I am sorry you get so sick!
I hope you are felling better!! Cohen is getting so big..hopefully he will be awake next time we come visit:) haha
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