Monday, June 9, 2014

Day 1 of California trip!!

 My mom has been planning a Birthday Celebration Disneyland Trip for her for over a year now. She has been saving and saving to take all of her kids and rent a house in California and take us to Disneyland. I thought that was very sweet and giving of her to do for her birthday! It was the best birthday present ever! The Disney house she rented was very cute and nice to stay at! Every room was themed and they provided most anything you needed there.
 My mom and Grandma stayed in the Fairy room.

 The boy cousins stayed in the Cars room.
 Cory and July stayed in the Dalmation room.
 Me and Dal stayed in the Mickey room.
 CJ and Jackie stayed in the Minnie Room.
 Kenzley was zonked after our long car ride the day before. We didn't get to California till 11pm so we were tired the next day!
 We woke up and had a wonderful breakfast.

 Then we got to go swimming in the pool. Poor Cohen I felt so bad for him since he couldn't swim, however he fell in the hot tub twice. I guess he went swimming for a second.

 I had so much fun watching the cousins swim around together they were having a blast!

 Jackie was sweet enough to play frisbee with Cohen since he couldn't get in the water.
 Unfortunately late that night Cohen was playing frisbee with himself with the life preserver. Dallas told him not to throw in any more and by time Dallas walked from outside to our room we heard a crash. Cohen came in running saying, "I'm Dead I'm Dead" And yes he was dead! He broke the kitchen window! We were not happy one bit! Luckily Dallas was able to find a glass store that was open and he could take the frame of the window to them and they would cut a new piece of glass. It only cost $40 which wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. Cohen has been doing a lot of chores to pay Dad back for the window. It's so frustrating because that is why Cohen has a broken arm, because he didn't listen to us, then when he fell in the pool, it's because he didn't listen to us and now a broken window. I was furious and disappointed and so mad!!! I'm so sick of kids not listening and I have no idea how to get through to them! I do understand that most little boys will break a window sometime in their life but man I was not expecting it to be on vacation and not our window. Grrr.
 I thinking swimming wore Kenz right out.
 That night everyone but Dallas and Cohen went to the beach.  They had to go take the glass in to get fixed. But the rest of us had a great time at the beach! It was Brin's first time and I'm not quite sure what she thought of the sand I think she liked it! But I loved her little toes in the sand!

 Kenzley had a blast digging holes and burying people in the sand.

 Doesn't get better than sitting on the beach.

 Burying Uncle CJ's feet.

 Kenz's feet got buried.

 The girl cousins room

 That night we celebrated my mom's birthday. July was sweet enough to make her a cake.

 Happy Birthday Mom thanks for taking us!

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