Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Zoo day, enduro cross and more fun

 Cohen reading to Kenzley. So sweet.
 Brinley wanted to sit with Cohen while he was on break from soccer.
 Brinley fell off a skateboard and scratched up her nose so she had a big scab on it. One day Dallas wanted to add onto it and turn her into a cat. She was a pretty cute cat!

 Dallas got stuck in the monkey bars!
 the kids helping with the opening flag ceremonies at Enduro Cross.
 Cohen jumping over the finish line.
 Cohen got second place after Destiney!
 We had a zoo day with friends and family
 Checking out the dinosaurs.

 Visiting my Grandpa's grave.

 Kenzley and her million pets that she insists on sleeping with.

 Brinley wanting to help carry the chair to the soccer game.

 We had a barbecue with my high school friends and their families. It was so much fun sitting around the fire catching up with everyone while all the kids played.

 Brinley taking pictures of the races.

 These kids sure are funny! I guess it was a team huddle
 Cutest little thing
 The best three things to happen to me!
 Having a tea party!

 Kenzley was the star student so we got to go to her class and talk about her and read them her favorite book. Monsters Monsters Everywhere.
 Love watching these kids play outside!

 Cohen has been begging to go go cart racing and we finally made it out.
 He was quite worn out afterwards.
 Cohen lost his front tooth.

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