Wow here I have been thinking that we have been pretty boring and nothing has been going on in our lives. Then I started to look at our pictures to start blogging and realized I had alot of catch up to do. So sorry for the long catch up! A few weeks ago me and the kids went up to visit our cute new nephew Jackson. He is such a cutie pie. While we were there Jackie brought out all of her Minnie Mouses because Kenzley LOVES minnie mouse. My mom brought one home with her from Disney World and ever since then Kenzley has been so attached to her. She sleeps with her and drags her everywhere. It is so cute! I decided to try pulling all of Kenzley's hair into a pony tail. It made her look so much older and she is so cute with it! I just love this girl! One day while I was walking back to my bedroom this little boy scared me. I certainly wasn't expecting to see him asleep in the hallway. I thought it was hilarious. A few weeks ago I have been dying to do something summer fun like so we decided to take the kids swimming and I absolutely loved seeing Kenzley in her cute little bikinni. At first I wasn't sure about a two piece but then I saw then and couldn't resist and boy does she look cute in it with her little belly sticking out! This is where I found the kids one day tucked in in our bath tub silly kids! Besides dragging Minnie Mouse around Kenzley also loves to drag her blankie around. This one is pretty big and heavy so she has a hard time dragging it around but boy is she determined. It gets stuck alot around the corners and she gets so frustrated with it. One day me and two of my highschool girlfriends Nikki and Stephanie took our kids up to the aquarium it is always alot of fun to get together with them and see how big everyones kids are getting and also now watch them starting to interact. I love watching little kids they crack me up. Here is Sammy and Kenzie looking at the fishies. I love that they are about the same height! Sammy and Kenzie giving hugs. Cohen kissing the frog. Kenzley about to kiss the frog.
I love that you can see Kenzley's grin in the reflection. Kenzley was a little scared of how big the penguin was. Of course when Easter rolls around you have to pain easter eggs so here we are painting easter eggs. We dropped a few so thank heavens they were hard boiled so they didn't make a mess. Kenzley even tried. Our finished product. Making easter cookies! Also for Dallas it wouldn't be Easter weekend without going to the dunes. We went down for only Friday and Saturday and had to be back for the Easter bunny to come to our house and to teach nursery. We had a blast at the dunes. It amazes me how busy this place gets because usually in the summer there are only a few camps and for easter there were aton. Even on the way down there they had road blocks where they would stop everyone to check if there were drunk drivers. We were the first ones down there in our group and amazingly we found a spot for our group and it was a good spot. We threw the frisbee and played in the dirt and Dallas even sneaked in a much needed nap. We went for a quick ride to check out the place and the races. Then everyone started arriving and the fun began. It amazes me how much our kids love going for rides they have so much fun! This is the back side of the sand dunes. When we got to the top and could look out over everything I was shocked at how big it was. It is so beautiful. This is on the other side and is a picture of the whole camp. Again I can't believe how many people come to this. There is our little circle on the right. Here is most of our group of friends and can I just say how much I love our group of friends. I am so grateful that Dallas has established these great friendships and that I am now apart of them. We always have such a good time with them and they are all so good to our kids. I never thought in a million years that I would love doing this stuff as much as I do. And I know I know. I begged and begged for a 4 seater for our family so Dallas sold our 2 seater to get me a 4 seater and yet here we are all 4 of us in the front 2 seats. I think Cohen just didn't like the back because it was so cold and Kenzley is too little to sit back there even in a car seat because her head would wobble way too much especially since she usually falls asleep. But man we had so much fun even though it was pretty cold and rained a little bit I was so happy because me and the kids got to go on most of the rides and be apart of it instead of staying couped of in our trailer! I love these memories that we are making for our kids and hope that they will continue to love it as much as we all do. Happy Easter to everyone. We made it back just in time for the Easter Bunny to come to our house and this is what he left. Cohen loving his Mike Wasowski. Kenzley with her cheeks full of chocolate which they were full pretty much most the day except for when she was sleeping. Kenzley loving her new Minnie! All the kids in my nursery love this little pop up toy including Kenzie so I thought it would be a perfect thing for the easter bunny to bring. These rocket launchers I looked everywhere for. His grandma got them for him last year and he loved them but through out the year he lost the rockets on the roof and then the launcher I think got ran over. So I have searched high and low for these. The ones he got last year came with one rocket launcher and then 3 rockets so I was bummed that this one only came with 1 rocket but I figured oh well get two and make sure he doesn't lose them. Cohen is so funny he is always so thankful for stuff he gets so here he is hugging his toy story plate. I was laughing so hard cause it's just a plate! Kenzley also got a minnie phone and she is always on it jabbering away I love it! Kenzley loves to wear her brothers shoes or anyones for the matter. She is always wearing them around and we are always getting mad at her because no shoes on the carpet. She is quite understanding that rule yet. However lately we have been sending Cohen to the corner when he is in trouble since lets face it that is no fun. Well now Kenzley if we get mad at her she will go and put her nose to the corner. It is so funny because we don't tell her to but she does it and then you feel so bad cause there is a cute little one year old with her nose in the corner and then she gives you the saddest face. I am sad to say that this is the only picture I got of my kids in their easter outfit. Sunday was very busy with easter morning then church for 3 1/2 hours! Then we had to be up to Bountiful for my mom's easter party. I barely got this picture of Cohen before he wanted to get out of his church clothes and Kenzley had already fallen asleep before we even got home from church. But isn't he such a handsome boy! Here we are now up at my mom's house for her easter hunt. Again wished I would have gotten a picture of Kenzley in her easter dress but it was cold outside so we had to put a little jacket on her. Silly string stuck in Kenzley's hair.
My kids love the game sleeping bunnies. We started playing it in nursery at church and ALL the kids love it. I swear some of them could play it all day long. It's also funny because the mom's will ask about it cause the kids will go home and turn on and off the lights. It is a cute little game though.
Dallas and I met on June 25, 2006 and it was love at first sight. I had just moved to Branbury apartments in Provo where I was scared by a loud noise in the parking lot, and the maker of the loud noise that took me off guard was Dallas Jackman. We ended up talking late into the night about everything. It soon became history from there, we started hanging out everyday and I went along on Dallas' crazy adventures like the late nights to the dunes and the trips up AF canyon. We went to Disneyland short while later and that is where we fell in love. Aterwards we decided to tie the knot and we have had out happily ever after and continue to.