Cohen and Kenzley drinking Dallas' famous milk shakes! They love them! This is at Cohen's Preschool graduation party. Mrs. Farr had a pool party and then a magician came and the kids loved it. I'm so sad preschool is over for the year. Cohen absolutely loved going and loved his teacher. Mrs. Farr was so great to them! She did an amazing job! Cohen with his certificate. What a cheesy smile! He was so excited! Kenzley loves trying helmets on. Dallas and Jaris after being up all night long literally. Barely making it to their race destination at 4am with 15 minutes to spare. Dallas swapped motors in our razor and was trying so hard to get it all done for a race in Wendover. They worked on it all day and all night and as soon as they were done they took off to Wendover. They got there and made it only 10 miles into the race when something went wrong with the razor. He melted a wire on the turbo or something like that and it ended his race. All the work for pretty much nothing. It was pretty disappointing for them. Oh well better luck next time! Swimming at Seven Peaks. Kenzley ready for a nap. Cohen was loving swimming everywhere Warming up Cohen and Kenzley driving in their truck waving good bye. Now off to the sand dunes for the weekend. So nice to finally have the weather be nice so we stayed from Thursday till Sunday. It was actually quite relaxing. Cohen and Dallas took their monster racing trucks. Cohen was in heaven, he loves those trucks and he is quite good at them. My mom and Brother and his family came down and it was fun to have them down there and introduce them to what we always do. Cohen passed out watching a movie. I love how Kenzley is still going to town on the popcorn, they are such funny kids. Dallas and Cohen the weekend before Cohen's birthday took a father and son trip with a friend in our ward down to Moab. Cohen has been so excited he is always telling me that girls are not allowed on this trip. However he was getting it confused with his birthday party. I think he thought that going to Moab was his birthday party. Such a funny kid. They had a blast together and I think it's great for them to do that. While they did that me and Kenzley went to the Gateway with my family to the chalk festival and to do some shopping of course! It's what girls do best! We had Cohen's 4 years birthday party! I cannot believe my little boy turned 4 it still feels like yesterday when I found out I was pregnant. Yet now that was so long ago. We had a friend pool party and then had family over that night. I wanted to keep it semi simple and it's summer time and Cohen loves playing outside with his friends. Little did I know it's not that simple when you have 12 kids ranging from 3 to 7 but they were actually all really good which makes things easy for me! I love having Cohen's friends over they are all so funny and cute and I love watching little kids interact they are hilarious. Time for some snacks and ice cream cake! When we stopped to have ice cream cake Kenzley still wanted to keep jumping so she is trying to figure out how to turn it back on. Opening presents with his friends. I loved how they are surrounded him. Kenzley really wanting to jump again! As soon as we were done opening presents we turned back on the bounce house and ALL the kids ran straight over to it. I was a little worried but couldn't quite stop that many kids so let them do it and surprisely the bounce house held up really good. There were kids all over that thing. I love how sturdy it is! Of course with any bounce house there is always some bumps and these two boys collided on the slide. Good thing they're boys and are tough! Dallas standing at the end of our yard. He said he felt like the bouncer making sure no kids ran loose. A quick lunch break before the family party. Cohen with his 4 years old balloon! Kenzley made her way back out to the pool. At first she sat down right in the middle of it full clothes so I had to go put the swim suit back on! Cohen opening his skate board he has been asking for this for awhile now. I'm not so thrilled about it I feel like he is still too little for a skateboard but what do I know Im just a overprotective mom! Doing his tricks. Cohen chose a Despicable Me cake. My kids love that movie oh and Dallas too! It's funny how much those three watch it! Kenzley and Ryker playing with the Light sabers she was really good at it too! Had to get a picture with the birthday boy! Giving me kisses to say thanks for the best day ever! I just love this kid to death and am so grateful and lucky that he is in our family! He is such a sweet, funny goof ball and good kid. I couldn't ask for a better little boy and am so excited for the next forever years! Love you Cohen to the moon and back. Thank you to all of our family and friends, and neighbors for making this the best birthday ever. WE appreciate all you do for all of us!
Dallas and I met on June 25, 2006 and it was love at first sight. I had just moved to Branbury apartments in Provo where I was scared by a loud noise in the parking lot, and the maker of the loud noise that took me off guard was Dallas Jackman. We ended up talking late into the night about everything. It soon became history from there, we started hanging out everyday and I went along on Dallas' crazy adventures like the late nights to the dunes and the trips up AF canyon. We went to Disneyland short while later and that is where we fell in love. Aterwards we decided to tie the knot and we have had out happily ever after and continue to.