Monday, May 20, 2013

Dirt bike racing and Kindergarten graduation

 We signed Cohen up for another year racing dirtbikes. He loves it, he may not be the fastest one out there but he really does love it and I have thouroughly grown to enjoy watching my boys race! Here he is at the starting line for the first race. It was super super cold and windy that night!

 Cohen and Bradley racing.
 Cohen and Jaxon
 We even talked two of his best friends in our neigborhood to come race this year with us and that has made it much more enjoyable! Here is the best picture I could get of Cohen, Jaxon and Bradley
 Cohen took 6th overall in PeeWee 4-6 out of 13 kids I was really proud of him and then he took 2nd over all in PeeWee Shaft out of 7 kids so it was a great night despite the weather!
 Kenzley loves her stuffed animals. She calls them all her pets and they go EVERYWHERE we go. She has to take, Buzz, Woody, Jessie, Bullseye, Banjo, Coby and Sophia. We even have to have a back pack to carry it all. She sleeps with them all every night and in the morning when she wakes up or at night before she falls asleep you can hear her in her bed talking to all of her friends!

 Cohen's second race was the daddy son race, where the dad's could also race for free that night. It was of course super windy and cold again but we had fun. It was a little hectic with Cohen racing 4 times and Dallas racing twice and during Cohen's first race on his last lap right before the finish line his bike just stopped so Dallas between races had to fix it. I was so stressed for them both but they did good and it was great to see Dallas out there. It's been awhile and he did awesome, no wrecks or anything I think he took 2 or 3rd. Cohen finished 9th out of 13 in the PeeWees and 3rd out of 8 in PeeWee shaft so we had a slower night but Cohen said the track was pretty torn up from the big bikes. Hopefully next time we will have better weather and go a little faster!

 Cohen also had his kindergarten graduation! I cannot believe where the time has gone. If you asked me 6 or 7 years ago how my life would be I couldn't even imagine how happy I would be yet so sad that my little guy is graduating and growing up! I love Cohen so much and the sweet spirit he brings. He really has always been such a good kid. For the most part he is really obedient. He is very chill and relaxed and likes to go at his own pace which can drive me and Dallas nuts sometimes because he is so slow at getting ready or racing but he is just so chill. He is such a sweet and sensitive boy. If there is something sad on tv he will start crying to it and if I'm sad he is always right there to give me a hug! He loves hanging out with his friends and riding bikes and scooters he is a pro at it. In fact he is probably faster on his pedal bike and jumps higher on it then his dirtbike! He is amazing at it! Also this year in school he has done amazing. He is full on reading now and spelling lots of words. He can do easy addition and subtraction. I just can't believe how much he has learned. I swear I wasn't that smart in kindergarten. I also was able to help out a lot with his class since I was the home room mom. I'm not sure I would do it again but it was probably harder since I was pregnant and so sick the majority of the year. Plus it's hard to get other moms to help out with the parties. But I did like coming to his class and seeing how he did and what they did and also getting to know all of his classmates! For his first two years of preschool and then Kindergarten I went on every field trip except for the very last one and I think he was sad I didn't go but it got too hard with having Kenz and being pregnant, but I have loved being involved as much as I can! I am so grateful to Dallas that I have the opportunity to be a stay at home mom and that this is my job. I know sometimes I get down on myself that I can't help support the family financially or things like that but this is a pretty big job being able to walk Cohen to and from school everyday, go volunteer and be there for him. I am one lucky mamma!

 I loved his closed lip smile, so cute!

 The proud parents of their kindergarten graduate

 Wahoo I'm on my way to 1st grade

 This is Cohen and his friend Katie who lives behind us and I just love her! Such a sweet well behaved girl and I love watching them play together and don't they make the cutest little couple!
 Cohen and Grandma

 Cohen and his best bud Jaxon.
 Congratulations Cohen you did an awesome job this year at school can't wait for the many more adventures of school! Love you!