Saturday, December 27, 2014


 It was time for Halloween so we went to the kids parades to see them show off their costumes. It was fun to see what everyone dressed up as! Cohen dressed up as a Ninja Turtle and Kenzley was Peter Pan and the cutest Peter Pan I have ever seen!

 Kenzley's Preschool also sang some cute Halloween songs!

 That day we of course had to have Papa Murphys jack o lantern pizza. It's so easy to make and then off the kids went to trick or treat. We also couldn't have asked for better weather it was perfect.

 Brinley was a little witch and she Loved carrying around her pumpkin.

 Brin was a little hesitant at first but Kenz was so nice to help her along.

 Brinley Loves candy. This may be her favorite holiday!

 Brin checking out her stash.

 I love her scrunch nose.

 Me and my neighbor Molly sat out on my driveway and passed out candy together. It is much more fun to do it with a friend and sit outside and watch everyone.
 Brinley and Sawyer getting into our stash of candy.

 The kids stayed out for quite awhile and came home with quite a bit. It was seriously the perfect weather for Halloween!

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