The kids have been having so much fun with all of their toys they got for Christmas. I love watching these two play together! Cohen and Kenzley absolutely LOVE their couches. They will always watch movies in our bedroom both cuddled up in their blankets and Cohen has to have Blue and Kenzley has to have Minnie Mouse. It is so adorable. The other day for Cohen's preschool fieldtrip we went in our neighborhood sledding. All the kids loved it and it was Cohen's first time sledding besides being pulled behind the razor. The had alot of fun and I of course loved watching them! Cohen and Haylee Cohen and Addie Also Cohen has started indoor soccer. He loves it! He may not understand whats going on but he loves running around. He will look up at us in the stands with such a big grin on his face running and half the time he will then run right into someone. It's pretty funny. He may not be the best at soccer because we don't do much sports in our household so he doesn't quite know whats going on but hopefully we will all learn! It's still fun to watch him have a great time.
Wow what a great busy christmas weekend it has been. It will be a picture overload I'm sure. We finished Dallas' big birthday and the next night we had the annual Vincent Christmas party. It is my mom's parents. There were about 70 people there. It's crazy how fast and big family grows. Now there aren't just the cousins it's the cousins kids too! It was alot of fun to see how big all the little ones are getting and it's fun having little ones around again. We had a yummy dinner, then my grandparents and aunts and uncles talked about their favorite christmas' growing up. Afterwards we did our famous white elephant exchange. Cohen was very excited about his gift. Dallas also liked giving his. Two years ago we got the ugly scottie dog cookie jar. There is usually one that comes back every year, unfortunately last year we didn't stay the entire party since we had just barely had Kenz so we finally were able to regift it. But this time Dallas decided to be funny and put in a horn so when you opened the cookie jar the horn went off. It was pretty funny. The kids waiting in line to get their presents. I think it's so cute how big Kenzley is getting and to see her in line with all the other kids and she was excited to get her present too. Cj won an ugly sweater! The kids playing ring around the rosies Santa Claus was able to come! Aka my grandpa. He has played Santa Claus for years. When I was a little girl I even was able to be his little elf it was some great memories to go give to other families. Kenz was so brave she just looked at him and wasn't even scared. Cohen wasn't either he said that is grandpa santa claus I guess there is no fooling him. The next day Dallas' mom and sister's family came down for another gift exchange. It's always fun to have them in town. The kids love eachother SO much! As soon as they left we headed up to Dallas' dad's house for more fun. I forgot to take my camera so I didn't get any pictures but we had a great time. As soon as we were done there we headed over to my mom's house for our annual christmas eve birthday party for Jesus. My mom read the kids a story and then we had birthday cake and sang happy birthday to Jesus. And of course with christmas there was more presents to be opened. Thank you so much to all of our family and all the presents. Every year we get spoiled rotten. Even though December is super busy with all the birthday parties we have and christmas parties it's alot of fun to get together with everyone! As soon as we got home from my mom's house we opened one last present which of course were the kids jammies! That night after the kids went to sleep Santa Claus and Cohen's elf paid us a visit. I guess the elf had a good report to give Santa Claus because he was very good to the kids. They got alot of fun things. Cohen was so funny. He was extatic to get his bike. That is all he has been asking for. Even then all the presents he would open he would explain, "That's just what I wanted" I was thrilled to see how happy he was and thankful he was for each and everything. Kenzley was pretty overwhelmed with everything that was going on so it took awhile before we got some smiles out of her. Kenzley loved Cohen's bike though she would always walk over there and cry until someone put her on his bike. She loves her big brothers toys. I love this picture it reminds me of Alice in Wonderland. I was late on getting one of her cute face through the door. Their stash Katie and Marty stopped by to see what the kids got and of course had to play with some of the toys. Katie is Cohen's girlfriend he loves her! My mom also was able to come down and see what the kids got and play. Then Jim, Jaymie and Stacy came down as well. We played with toys and then went to Ihop for dinner. It was such an relaxing christmas not having to rush off to places and to let the kids play with their things. The next day we decided to go camping at the sand dunes with katie and marty and friends. We played lots of fun games into the night and then the next day we got pulled by the razor on sleds. Cohen loved it. Then we went for a razor ride and both kids love going on razor rides. Kenzley was so cute all bundled up. This time we came prepared. We went and bought some snow pants and coats for everyone so we wouldn't freeze and it made a huge difference. We weren't even cold. We found this cool tree called the spider tree. On the back side of the dunes Dallas and Marty found a fun jump for them. I just took pictures since I am way too big of a scardy cat of these jumps. It looked insanely scary. My husband is crazy!
Dallas and I met on June 25, 2006 and it was love at first sight. I had just moved to Branbury apartments in Provo where I was scared by a loud noise in the parking lot, and the maker of the loud noise that took me off guard was Dallas Jackman. We ended up talking late into the night about everything. It soon became history from there, we started hanging out everyday and I went along on Dallas' crazy adventures like the late nights to the dunes and the trips up AF canyon. We went to Disneyland short while later and that is where we fell in love. Aterwards we decided to tie the knot and we have had out happily ever after and continue to.