Monday, January 17, 2011

Sledding to Soccer

The kids have been having so much fun with all of their toys they got for Christmas. I love watching these two play together!
Cohen and Kenzley absolutely LOVE their couches. They will always watch movies in our bedroom both cuddled up in their blankets and Cohen has to have Blue and Kenzley has to have Minnie Mouse. It is so adorable.
The other day for Cohen's preschool fieldtrip we went in our neighborhood sledding. All the kids loved it and it was Cohen's first time sledding besides being pulled behind the razor. The had alot of fun and I of course loved watching them!
Cohen and Haylee

Cohen and Addie

Also Cohen has started indoor soccer. He loves it! He may not understand whats going on but he loves running around. He will look up at us in the stands with such a big grin on his face running and half the time he will then run right into someone. It's pretty funny. He may not be the best at soccer because we don't do much sports in our household so he doesn't quite know whats going on but hopefully we will all learn! It's still fun to watch him have a great time.


Anonymous said...

Can't wait to watch him play. I agree it is fun watching Cohen and Kenzley play. I sure have had fun visiting.

Melanie said...

I love that he's in soccer. That is fabulous. Can't wait to get to do those things with Roman.