Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Sand Hollow in the Razors

The kids love to play with eachother, by eachother, pretty much do anything that the other one is doing. Here they are both playing with their computers.
Kenzley loves putting hats on so here she is wearing one of Cohen's hats and she just learned how to climb up on the rocking chair. She thinks she is a pretty big girl.
Here Dallas is teaching Kenzley how to dunk her cookies in milk and boy did she dunk her whole cookie plus some of her hand. She loved it.

Kenzley loves riding with her Daddy on Cohen's dirtbike.
Cohen taking Kenzley for a ride in his truck. They both were so happy to be back outside playing.

Us having fun with Kenzley's hair in the bath tub! Love her long hair!

Kenzley's loves to help wash Cohen's hair.

This is how I usually find Kenzley trying to get out of her crib.
Here is the beginning of our Sand Hollow adventures. These are Cohen's and Kenzley's cousins. They were able to stop by and play for a little bit.
Kenzley absolutely loves any rides she can get. From the razor, dirt bike even to Cohen's little pedal bikes. She gets so excited and if you stop she gets really upset.
Cohen in the back of Uncle Spen's new razor.

Every ride Kenzley would fall asleep. Here daddy is holding her I think he loved it since she rarely cuddles.

Martin going up.


Ryker, Cohen, Katie, and Uncle Mark watching these crazy guys.

We stopped by the lake and even though it was cold I couldn't keep my kids from getting in the water so we just let them play in it and boy did they love it!

We even resorted to taking off their clothes so their clothes wouldn't be soaked.

Kenzley was pooped.

Kenzley's boyfriend Martin.

We had so much fun down in St. George at the Sand Hollow sand dunes. One it was nice to have great weather for us and the kids to play outside. It sure makes me excited for the summer for when we are always out playing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It brings tears to my eyes watching how much fun you have with your family. I sure do love you all.