Wednesday, March 21, 2012

February and March have still been pretty slow but here's what we have been up to.
Kenzley is starting to play with her doll houses and talking and imagining with them and I love watching and listening to her. Notice that the vehicles are truck and a trailer with a fourwheeler on it and she plays with Cohen's dirt bike guys but eventually we will get her to play with barbies. This is a start. I guess dirt bike guys need a place to live too!
This is how we found Cohen sleeping the other night. I guess he would have rather slept on the floor!
Kenzley is our difficult child so she is put in the corner quite often and many of the times it's her putting herself in the corner because she knew she was naughty. I had to get a picture of her in the corner because I think it's so cute!
A while ago I got out my chocolate fondue set which didn't work but I would melt the chocolate anyway and we would dip strawberries in it and marshmellows. It quickly became me and Cohen's favorite treat. I know the great mom that I am we even had it for breakfast as you can see they are in the jammies, but I love my chocolate and Cohen was so cute he was eating it and kept saying this is the best treat ever! He loved it!
Kenz tickling Cohen.
A few weeks ago me and two other moms from my neighborhood decided we needed a break and get out of the house and took all of our kids to the aquarium and had a blast!

I love this picture of Christy I totally captured her as she was telling the kids about the jelly fish!

I loved seeing all the backs of the kids looking at stuff so cute!
Owen, Cohen, Kenz and Lily in the canoe.

The penguins are by far my favorite! I am so glad that we have so many moms and kids in our neighborhood to go and play with it has been alot of fun and I have thoroughly enjoyed getting to know the moms better. We have even started doing a girls night at least once a month where we go to one of our houses and play games or do the dance x box and it has been alot of fun! We really are so lucky to be in a fun neighborhood!

Here we are for Cohen's preschool they had to make box cars and they had a drive in at school. Dallas got a little carried away and wrapped Cohen's truck in vinyl. He wasn't sure if the other parents would go all out but they did! My favorite was Cohen's friend Jaxons. His mom did a monster truck and it was amazing! They had so much fun and still have their box cars. We even had to make Kenzley one!

Here they are at the drive in.

Cohen's truck and Kenzley's car.
Kenzley filing Daddy's nails! I love it now if only he would let her paint them! Tonight I don't have a picture though but she was putting blush on his cheeks so cute. She loves make up and nail polish.
Here we went to Disney on Ice it was such a fun day! We started it off down at the sand dunes. I didn't get any pictures of it but Cohen rode his dirt bike so much just in a circle around our camp. It was fun to watch him have fun. We hurried home and showered and went straight up to Energy Solutions and ate there and enjoyed the show. It was really cute.

Kenz waving to them!

Daddy spoiled them and got these lights!

Precious moment!
Kenz still takes Minnie wherever we go! She usually comes and picks up Cohen from school. She went to a movie with us and goes shopping all the time with us and now she even plays on the play ground with Kenz. I thought it was adorable how she would carry her up the playground and take her down the slide.

I also have been trying to keep myself busy with projects. If you know me you know I am not the seamstress in the family. Dallas is. However for about two years now I have been wanting to make Dallas a denim quilt because he has wanted it and I thought it would be fun for me to use our old jeans and make one. I have been keeping the jeans for awhile and finally decided to get it done. I cute them all up and then had to have Dallas teach me how to thread and use my sewing machine and how to sew it all together. It turned out to be alot of fun and I think it's turning out really cute! It's not finished yet I still need to put batting in the middle and quilt it! I can't wait to get it done. Cute Dallas even uses it as a blanket now even though it's not done.

Also since we put Kenzley in a big girl bed I have hated her bedroom it just doesn't match or look good. I had ordered her a new bedspread before christmas but it didn't come until January and once it came I could pick paint colors and Dallas' mom offered to help paint it since Dallas is too busy to get to it. I decided to go with like a lime green I have seen lots of rooms with it and thought it was darling. I was a little nervous because I'm not really a green person and was nervous it wouldn't be girly enough but I think in the end it turned out just how I wanted it! We also did some pink stencil flowers on it to add to it! Here is the before

Here is the after!
We got Cohen a new dirtbike that has better suspension so that he can race this summer and it will be safer for him. Since he wants to race our neighbor has a track here in the neighborhood and they were nice enough to let us take Cohen on it so he could get a feel for how to ride on a track and he did Amazing! I am so proud of him and excited for him this summer! Hopefully soon I can get my own bike so I can ride with him!

The first video is Cohen riding his dirtbike!
The next should be Kenz as bumblebee saying good night to Cohen.
I think the next video is Kenzley doing her potty dance. We decided to go ahead and try potty training her because she would sometimes go in the potty so why not try. She would only have one accident a day and did amazing. She still has to sleep with a diaper on for naps and bedtime because she hasn't been able to control that so we have had to change sheets alot. It's not bad though considering she is exactly a year younger than when Cohen finally was potty trained so I'm not going to complain. However lately she has been having lots of accidents so now I ended up getting her pull ups. She will still go in the potty sometimes but she isn't as good as she was at first. Before even on a busy day when we went to the sand dunes and to disney on ice she wore underwear and didn't have any accidents. So I'm not quite sure why she is having accidents lately but oh well we haven't had to buy diapers and that's all that matters.
The next two videos are of the kids singing. It was night time so it's not the best video but I wasn't driving and had my camera so I had to video it. We have these cds with songs that I grew up singing and the first song is singing left right left right marching along papapapa. And she will just yell left right the whole time every now and then she will sing papapapa but she is so funny yelling left right and she always is begging to sing the song. The next song is a song called I'm a mormon. The first time we heard it I said Cohen did you know that you are a mormon and he was like no I"m not so I had to explain to him that we are mormons. Then Kenzley she would get so mad and say no I"m a mormon your not a mormon and then in the video you will here Cohen saying no I'm a mormon see I'm wearing my ctr ring! Such funny kids. At the beginning of the year Cohen got a CTR ring in primary and he wears it everyday! He takes such good care of it. After two months of wearing it it turned his hand green so we went and bought him a new ctr ring which he loves and I love that he loves it and knows what it means. Plus it's been a great parenting tool if he is being naughty we will say Cohen you need to be choosing the right! He is such a good kid!
The last video is Kenzley dancing to Just Dance on Xbox. This is her favorite song and it's so cute when she actually dances to it.

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