Monday, November 11, 2013


 This Halloween was 1,000 times better than last Halloween. Last Halloween I was so sick with my pregnancy and throwing up that it was hard to even enjoy yet I still tried to do all the fun stuff for the kids. But this year I felt great, the weather was great, it's the first year the kids actually trick or treated to more than 5 houses. It was an awesome year.
To start off me and Dallas and another couple from our ward were in charge of the fall activity. We decided to do a trunk or treat since our ward has not done one in a couple of years and we think it's fun. We did a chili cook off, ate delicious chili and then did the trunk or treat. It turned out really well and we had a good turn out. Plus the weather was great so that helps!
 My sleeping bumble bee!
 Cohen and Kenzley were both Spiderman this year. I could not get Kenzley to be anything else but she was a cute Spider man. Here they are with some of their friends.
 As always Dallas gets carried away so him and the kids painted this big bat for our car.

 Then we brought the bat home but the next day we had a big wind and rain storm and he got ruined.
 The next day Dallas' sister invited us up to carve pumpkins so we went up there and carved the kids pumpkins.

 Another night the library was having a halloween activity. We went to it and they read them a scary story and Rapunzel and Cinderella were there where they danced with them and played hide and seek.  Then we met Jack Sparrow and a witch.
 Kenzley loved this parrot

 Love my girls!
 Kenzley and Camden playing supercross after their halloween school party.
 Next we went to Cohen's school for his Halloween parade.  Both my kids decided they wanted to be dirtbike racers for halloween so then they put on their dirtbike clothes. Silly kids.

 Cohen was such a nice big brother and walked Kenzley around in his parade.
 All four dirtbikers!

 That night for trick or treating Dallas got his bright idea and decided to let the kids take their dirtbikes trick or treating. I didn't think it was the best idea but Dallas and the kids had fun. It was funny though one of my neighbors though there was a chainsaw down the street and I said I hope not I hate that guy, then a few other people said it and I finally realized it was my kids on the dirtbike that sounded like a chainsaw.
 Sisterly love

 So lucky to have these three cute kiddos!

 Brinley likes to be a part of dinner time!
 Kenzley loves playing with her blocks.
 Sorry my pictures are out of order the top half was from my phone and now these are from my camera

 Here we went and trick or treated on Main Street. It is pretty fun to do! The kids got lots of candy.
 The dirtbikers and cute 80's Lola Love her!

 After main street we came home and the McAllisters came over and we had yummy potato soup in bread bowls then we hurried out and went trick or treating!

 Brinley and Josie

 The kids checking out their stash!
 It snowed the other day and Kenzley was so excited!

If this video works it's of Kenzley and us arguing about how we think she should wear pigtails on her helmet and she is adamant that she doesn't want to. Then she talks about awesomest dirtbiker who is her imaginary husband and she has 5 kids with him. She is a crack up!

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