Thursday, August 27, 2009

Monster Trucks

Here in this first picture, it is of all my girlfriends that I grew up with in Bountiful. I call them my home ward girlfriends. We were in the same church class for years and made tons of good memories. We still get together once or twice a year or for showers and I am so grateful we do. It just goes to show that when you have a good young womans class and teachers that we can survive anything and stick together! It's also nice to know that these girls genuinely care about you too! As you can see three out of the five of us girls are pregnant. We had a duel baby shower for Mallory and Stephanie. Mallory is having a boy and Stephanie is having a girl. I am so excited for them and can't wait for Nikki and Angie to be added to the family fun soon! I just have to say how much I love these girls and what a great example they have been to me throughout these years! Thanks girls ya'll are amazing!
Next are pictures of our Monster Truck adventure. Dallas had worked aton this week so we decided that we needed to take Cohen and him out because Cohen is missing his Daddy like crazy! The day before I swear Cohen hated me, as soon as he wakes up in the morning he searches the house for Dallas and then when he woke up from his nap he was in tears because Daddy wasn't home and I couldn't get him to calm down. So we had to drive up to Dal's work and watch him work on his trucks. Cohen just loves his Daddy so much! I was so glad that we got half of a day to spend together. We took Cohen to the monster truck show because he loves monster trucks, that and dirt bikes are his favorite toys! I don't know if he exactly knew what to think he didn't say much at first and just watched it was almost too much for him to take in. Towards the end I think he would have rather just played with is monster trucks, it was funny. We still had a good time though. At the show Dallas' friend Dave Johnson raced his razor, so that was really exciting and the best part was he won! It was fun to be cheering on one of our friends at the event and then to see him on the screen being interviewed. So go Dave you did awesome!
I just have to say how happy I am, after 2 months of nagging Dallas to find time to finish Cohen's soon to be new room, it is now finished. Bead board is up and painted and the walls are painted. I am quite pleased, and I"m happy I don't have to be that nagging wife anymore! So I will soon have pictures of the room once I get it all together! I am so grateful that I have such a talented husband who can do all these great things even if it takes 2 months, it still looks amazing and that's what matters. So thanks Dallas love you lots!
As for our little baby in the oven she is doing great! I just love her so much and can't wait to meet her! She just kicks and moves around in there, it's funny how they always move around lots right when your trying to go to bed. But to me it's my bonding time with her I love to watch my belly move I know it's weird but I love it! However she I swear is sitting further back than Cohen did, because my back kills and I did not experience this kind of back pain with him. Sometimes I can barely walk because it hurts so bad! I wish I could just cut out the pain or better yet I wish I could cut off my belly sometimes and give it to Dallas for the day! Now that would be a sight to see, I would love to have him go to work and about his daily business and have to feel what I feel!


Anonymous said...

Such a cute family and good friends. I love updates!!!!

Love, Mom

Nikki Taylor said...

Wow, it is NOT a good sign when you look fatter than the girls that are 8 months pregnant. I just have too cute of friends! It was so fun seeing everyone. Let's do it again soon!