Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Cohen's New Bedroom!!!

Here is what we all have been waiting for! I decided to just go ahead and post pictures of his room since everyone keeps asking, I don't have the dresser but it's just a dresser that matches his bed and will be on the empty wall. The first pictures are of Cohen and Daddy taking their sunday nap together, I thought it was precious! We have been laying down with him a little bit before he sleeps since it's such a new thing to him but I think we both just like his bed better than ours! It is definitely official that both of our kids have nicer bedrooms and furniture than we do! Oh well they deserve it and I had alot of fun putting his bedroom together and I'm quite pleased it turned out just as I wanted! It only took over 2 months but it's done and no more nagging wife! So we all are in a win win situation now. As for the nursery I got everything neutral so I could just keep it the same so that's what we are going to do! Which has worked out well, with how much more you can spend on little girls clothes and such it's nice not to worry about the bedding. Plus I have always loved the stars theme for babies. Cohen has been doing really well with it too! The first night we put him in there and laid with him then we tried to leave and he cried so Dallas said do you want to go sleep in your crib and he shook his head no big boy bed. Then Dallas ended up sleeping in there till midnight. The past couple of nights he has done really well. We lay there for a couple minutes and then I leave and he comes out once then goes back in and falls asleep. It's funny though when he comes out he goes and turns off his humidifier and puts his binkie away. He is such a funny kid. I am so proud of him and so grateful that I have such a good little boy!


Colby and Steph said...

Cute rooms!!! :) You are way further ahead than I am. I love Cohen's new room, you guys did a great job.

Anonymous said...

So cute. Can't wait to see it in person. Had fun tonight. Thanks for inviting me. It was nice to see Jaymie. Hope you have a fun and safe weekend. Love, Mom

Coby and KaeDawn said...

So Cute!! That room fits him perfectly! What a big boy:)

Wendi Oyler said...

very cute rooms! I love Cohen's bed and I'm sure Cohen loves all the cars. Good job!