We had our first camping trip as a family and it was pretty fun. Sometimes I think I can be a camper but then I go and one night is good enough! Especially after coming home and having to do over 6 loads of laundry just to get rid of the camp fire smell! But it was well worth it, to see the smile on Cohen and how happy he was I will keep doing it over and over again! He absolutely loved playing on the beach and in the water, he was in 7th heaven! The first day was really nice the weather was perfect no wind, really hot blue skies! So we did some boating that evening and then came back and roasted hot dogs. Tim and his family came down and we just had a fun time sitting around the campfire! That night the stars were gorgeous, that's another one of the best part of camping is to see the stars and look for shooting stars which I did see and that made my night. We didn't put the cover on our tent so we could see the stars all night! We slept all right, I think Cohen slept the best. It was really windy so that kept waking me up. The next day in continued to be windy. We took the boat out but it was just too windy to do anything so then we ended up coming in and eating lunch and packing up to go home! It was sure nice to do something different and spend time together as a family! In the video below Cohen is trying to be just like daddy, whenever he is on a bike or a horse or anything like that he kick starts it. And as always he has to turn everything into a trailer and pull it. It is so funny! Hope you enjoy the pictures!
Our Labor day weekend was a fun filled packed weekend and I was so ready for a mini vacation! Dallas has been working lots so it was so nice to be able to get him all to ourselves! Friday started off with Dallas dirt bike racing! Thanks to Curtis for letting him borrow his bike so he was able to race. Dallas has been having issues with his so hopefully he can get it fixed soon!. Dallas did pretty good on a different bike and a hurt foot he placed 4th and then 6th, the second race he was so tired he just started giving up spots. I guess he better start exercising so he can keep up with the boys! Another thanks to all of our family and friends that came and supported him. And I'm just glad that he didn't get injured or anything. The next day we started off with the zoo. Cohen loves the zoo and Dallas hasn't been able to go with us this year so we just went for a little bit but it was sure fun! Right after that we were off on our stay cation to Park City. Our friends have a time share up there and were kind enough to invite us for the weekend! We had lots of fun between chatting, shopping, games and just plain fun! I pretty much have Cohen done for Christmas shopping and got a good start on Dallas so it was nice for me. I really want to be on top of things this year so I'm not stressing about birthdays and christmas and having a baby. December is such a hectic month for us. Dallas and Cohen also got to do the new roller coaster thing up by the alpine slide I couldn't since I was pregnant but that's alright. They seemed to have fun I was bummed I didn't get any pictures of that. Cohen and Rylinn however loved playing in that bath tub they thought it was the coolest thing ever. It was also a good time for Cohen to learn how to be nice and share. I loved having Dallas around all the time so he could witness for himself that Cohen is entering the terrible two stage, therefore those two had quite a few talks! Then we ended this week with a quick boating trip. I'm sure Dallas had a blast finally being able to get out on his ski and he sure did a good job! On the way back it was getting dark and the water not so good so me and Cohen just sat in the back and kept getting sprayed with water it was pretty funny! Well that does it for our Labor Weekend it was a fun filled and much needed week!
Here is what we all have been waiting for! I decided to just go ahead and post pictures of his room since everyone keeps asking, I don't have the dresser but it's just a dresser that matches his bed and will be on the empty wall. The first pictures are of Cohen and Daddy taking their sunday nap together, I thought it was precious! We have been laying down with him a little bit before he sleeps since it's such a new thing to him but I think we both just like his bed better than ours! It is definitely official that both of our kids have nicer bedrooms and furniture than we do! Oh well they deserve it and I had alot of fun putting his bedroom together and I'm quite pleased it turned out just as I wanted! It only took over 2 months but it's done and no more nagging wife! So we all are in a win win situation now. As for the nursery I got everything neutral so I could just keep it the same so that's what we are going to do! Which has worked out well, with how much more you can spend on little girls clothes and such it's nice not to worry about the bedding. Plus I have always loved the stars theme for babies. Cohen has been doing really well with it too! The first night we put him in there and laid with him then we tried to leave and he cried so Dallas said do you want to go sleep in your crib and he shook his head no big boy bed. Then Dallas ended up sleeping in there till midnight. The past couple of nights he has done really well. We lay there for a couple minutes and then I leave and he comes out once then goes back in and falls asleep. It's funny though when he comes out he goes and turns off his humidifier and puts his binkie away. He is such a funny kid. I am so proud of him and so grateful that I have such a good little boy!
Dallas and I met on June 25, 2006 and it was love at first sight. I had just moved to Branbury apartments in Provo where I was scared by a loud noise in the parking lot, and the maker of the loud noise that took me off guard was Dallas Jackman. We ended up talking late into the night about everything. It soon became history from there, we started hanging out everyday and I went along on Dallas' crazy adventures like the late nights to the dunes and the trips up AF canyon. We went to Disneyland short while later and that is where we fell in love. Aterwards we decided to tie the knot and we have had out happily ever after and continue to.