Wednesday, August 25, 2010

My cute kids

Kenzley has been such a funny little girl. Lately she stands up to everything and then is too scared to sit back down so she will cry until someone helps her down. Hence she is always getting stuck under the table! And she has a hard time when we are eating dinner and will always crawl over to the table and get stuck under there.
Also Kenzley when you check on her or hear her and go to get her this is how you find her. She will just lay her head down on the crib and chill there until she knows your in there.
I love her morning hair here!

When Cohen was younger he would always climb up on this table and now Kenzley is following in his foot steps. But again she gets stuck up there and too scared to get back down!

I love how Kenzley always scrunches her nose when she smiles. She seriously makes the cutest faces!
Grandma Jaymie got this frog key chain for Cohen when we were at the aquarium one time and little did she know that it would become Kenzley's favorite toy! Kenzley always has that frog and takes him everywhere with her. She will put the key chain part in her mouth and find another toy and play with it or she will crawl around with the frog in her mouth. It cracks me and Dallas up.

Kenzley has been such a fun little girl! All the funny faces she gives and now when she talks she will look at you and say eh! It sounds like she is an old lady saying eh really loud because she can't hear you, and kenz will keep saying it over and over again. Also when I'm yelling for Cohen to come here from the other room than Kenzley will start yelling something like she is yelling for him too! Also Kenzley is so funny because whenever we check on her at night time she will move. If you look at her when she is sleeping she some how knows and will sit up or move or something funny! You can't even kiss her goodnight without her knowing. I can't wait for what else is in store from her.
As for Cohen he finally is potty trained! After three times of trying and a couple of cold showers (yes I hate to admit it but we resorted to cold showers) it worked! I felt like the worst mom ever but I am so glad that he is finally going in the potty. Now he is all ready for preschool which starts in like a week! I can't believe I have a kid that is already starting school.


Anonymous said...

Being a parent is the best. I love updates. So very cute!!!

Nikki Taylor said...

Okay I need to see's been FAR too long! She may need to come on our shopping trip!

wuxiheather said...

She is so stinkin cute! I love that she cannot get down after standing up. That is so funny. She's so cautious. Melia is super good at manuvering up and down now but at first when she wanted to get down she'd just let herself fall. I love that Kenz is so careful! We NEED to get these girls together! DESPERATELY!

Coby and KaeDawn said...

They are so adorable!! We need to get together soon!!