Of course for Labor day weekend we decided to go to the sand dunes. It's a pretty big weekend down there and Dallas was so excited. Big weekends like that is like Christmas to him. He has a hard time sleeping the night before so needless to say he didn't get much sleep. Here are some pictures of us getting ready. I couldn't resist I loved that Kenzley was helping Daddy pack the cooler full of drinks. The kids love playing in the sand. Even Kenzley loved it! Our friend had to take a picture because she thought it was so funny that both me and Dallas were sitting in the little kid camp chairs. I didn't even notice we were sitting in the little ones. I just saw an open chair and took it! Now that Cohen is potty trained we have always told him that he could pee on a tire and how cool that would be! So here he is peeing on the razors tire and aiming for the bolts. The kids eating their snacks watching a movie Both Kenzley and Cohen were worn out! I can't believe that he rolled into the pack and play and still slept and his foot is resting on his truck. So cute We as always had a blast at the sand dunes! We had a huge circle of friends which always makes it fun. I wish I could have gotten a picture of how big the circle was. But there were a good 10 or more trailers in our circle. So grateful for the good friends that we have! We love them so much! I have definitely cherished our friendships more and more because we are so lucky to have them! After we got back from the sand dunes my mom offered to take us to the dinosaur park. I knew Cohen would love it and we had a great time! He keeps asking to go back! Looking through the binoculars to see how the dinosaurs see. Ahhh Cohen comparing his hands and feet to dinosaurs feet. The kids had a blast playing in the park afterwards. Thanks mom for taking us. The next day Cohen had his first day of preschool! He was pretty excited about going. We had gone and met his teacher and seen the classroom the week before and he remembered right where to go. We asked him afterwards if he liked it and he said he had lots of fun. I said do you want to do it again and he says no. I think it's so funny that he always says that even though he has so much fun. I also love how he would ask me mom are you going to stay home while I'm gone? Oh and when I first asked what his teachers name was he would go Mrs. Mommy! Love it! I cannot believe he is already going to preschool but I am so happy for it because he loves it and it will be so good for him! Us enjoying the last few good weather days! This is Cohen at his friend Zac's birthday party. He had alot of fun it was at a gymnastics place.
Such a fun weekend and week. I had fun watching the kids enjoy the Dinosaur Park. Thanks for dinner. You have such a pretty little "Flower" in Kenzley. Cohen wetting down the Razor was a priceless reward. So glad he is enjoying pre-school.
Dallas and I met on June 25, 2006 and it was love at first sight. I had just moved to Branbury apartments in Provo where I was scared by a loud noise in the parking lot, and the maker of the loud noise that took me off guard was Dallas Jackman. We ended up talking late into the night about everything. It soon became history from there, we started hanging out everyday and I went along on Dallas' crazy adventures like the late nights to the dunes and the trips up AF canyon. We went to Disneyland short while later and that is where we fell in love. Aterwards we decided to tie the knot and we have had out happily ever after and continue to.
Such a fun weekend and week. I had fun watching the kids enjoy the Dinosaur Park. Thanks for dinner. You have such a pretty little "Flower" in Kenzley. Cohen wetting down the Razor was a priceless reward. So glad he is enjoying pre-school.
Can't get enough of loving them = )
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