Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Moab 2011

When Kenzley is ready for bed she is ready for bed. She grabs her blankie and Minnie Mouse and heads for her bed.
Now for Moab. Dallas and I have been really excited for this trip. Very rarely do we get to take a trip without kids so we decided it was time and Moab is a little much for the little kiddos. With us being out on the trail for 6 to 8 hours at a time and being in that hot sun it's too hard on them so we went without them. Thankfully my mother n law came down to our house to watch the kids. I was pretty worried about Kenzley because she has only been watched maybe twice over night and they were many many months ago. She also is pretty attached to me and Dallas. Since I haven't had to work at all since she has been born she is not use to babysitters and since Dallas works at home she is also use to having him home all the time. She was not ready for us to leave her. As soon as grandma got here she knew something was going on and started to cry I felt so bad leaving her and of course worried about her pretty much the whole time but it was nice to know she was in good hands. Cohen of course was stoked for me and Daddy's long date and to have Grammy sleep over he was all for it! We left Thursday afternoon got down there set up camp and then went to the Rally where all of the rzrs were. Our friend Jared is in charge of it so we went to check everything out. Friday we went to do Cliffhanger but there was a group of 26 razors and then another group of jeeps so we ended up going and messing around on Hells Revenge. Then we went to dinner and our night ride was on still bender. Saturday we did Behind the Rocks and that night we played on Fins and Things. Sunday we decided to do hiking and we went up to where the Arches were and hiked around there. We were all pretty tired and ready to come home after that.

Us girls posing in the wind.

Dallas trying to do Devils Hot Tub. I was so so scared when he was trying to do it. It did not look like any fun to me. He got pretty close but didn't make it since it was wet in the bottom and that doesn't help.

Next we went to Mickey's hot tub. Dallas did that one easy but of course I got out!. I would so much rather be the videographer than passenger on some of these obstacles. After that his friend Jeremy and his family did it and they flipped back. Their son was such a champ they were hanging upside down and he got a little scared and just wanted out but he never once cried or anything. Once we got him out he just said oh no what did daddy do. He is such a cutie. It sure made both me and Dallas miss our kids. Here are Max and his mom right after the roll. Max had splashes of mud on his face and it was too cute to see. I was so impressed with Haley because I would have been freaking out if that was me rolling. She definitely gets wife of the year award.

Dallas loving little Max. I think Dallas loved the cuddles he got out of it!

Haley giving Jeremy the what were you thinking look!
Travis sporting his lighted whip. Dallas ordered one for us but we got it right after we had left for Moab so we werent able to bring it. They are pretty sweet though.
Me and Katie sitting up on a rock watching all the action.
It was so cool because everyone in our group had their side by sides street legal so we could pretty much drive them everywhere we went. We sure got alot of looks and people stopping to talk to us about them.

The boys helping eachother hike around. Look at that team work. Well except Dallas.
This is Picture Frame on the trail Behind the Rocks.

We lost most of our party on the trail Behind the Rocks so we tried High Dive for awhile and finally Dallas made it. Of course I was getting pretty nervous watching this cause he was trying so many different ways and it just looked scary. But he did it I was pretty impressed.

This is Potato salad you can't see though since it's dark.
This is the day that we went hiking at the arches.

My sexy husband.

What a fun trip. It is always fun to see all of Gods amazing creations and Moab definitely is a beautiful place. We had alot of fun messing around in the razors and with our friends. But I definitely was excited to come home to my little kids with their slobbery kisses and bear hugs. I missed that the most. And I loved walking in and having them excited to see us. I don't think I will be able to do a 7 day cruise like I have been begging for because this was only 3 days gone and I missed them like crazy. Thanks to Jaymie for watching our kiddos it's not an easy task and thanks to all of our friends we had a blast!


Nikki Taylor said...

HOW FUN!! I know I shouldn't be jealous...but I totally am. You are livin' THE life. I wish I could play as much as you guys do. Glad you could get away without the kiddos. It's too bad we miss them so much while we are away...or I guess that is a good thing. :)

Melanie and Ernie said...

Looks like SOOOO much fun!! We are missin Utah.

Anonymous said...

Moab is one of my favorite places. I love to hike when my health cooperates. So very pretty and fun.