Monday, May 9, 2011

Zoo, Supercross and much more fun!

KKenzley is such a funny little girl. She is always climbing up on our chairs around our table, well one day I looked back to see her sitting in the middle of the table drinking a drink. She cracks me up, I think she looks so stinking cute.
The next few pictures we all went to the zoo me dal and the kids and my mom and dal's little sister Ashley. I was all excited because the weather had been pretty gloomy and one day was suppose to be sunny and 65 so I decided we should go to the zoo to enjoy the good weather. Well it was sunny and warm down in Springville but not up at the zoo. At the zoo it was overcast, windy and cold. Sadly I had me and Kenz in capris so I froze. I was so bummed that the weather turned out to be cold but we still had alot of fun and I love having Dallas come and enjoy these fun times with me and the kids let alone it makes it easier to have his help! Kenzley loved the zoo this is the first time that she has gone that she probably knew what was going on. Everytime she saw an animal pick something up off the floor and eat it she would say kaka. The kids had alot of fun.

The Saturday we went to Supercross. Dallas wasn't thrilled about going because every year is so cold but I really wanted to go and so did Cohen. He was super excited and he does so good when we are there. While we were driving there he kept asking where all the dirtbikes were. Cohen is also a huge James Stewart fan Josh likes Chad Reed and is always trying to convince Cohen to like Chad Reed and now before Josh can even say anything Cohen immediately says James Stewart. He is so funny! It was pretty cold but now as bad as last year. Sadly James Stewart wrecked so that lost the championship and Dallas was pretty bummed about it.

The next week Katie my friend was nice to invite me and the kids to go to the tulip festival with her and her sisters and mom. It definitely made me realize how much fun it would have been to have a sister growing up and to always have that best friend. Hopefully I can talk Dallas into having more kids so my kids can have that! We had alot of fun. The weather was really nice and the gardens were beautiful. Usually when I go I don't know where to go so it was nice to go with them because they went to all the places I hadn't been and it was amazing. I loved the secret garden part it reminded me of the book/movie. I loved that movie when I was a little girl.

A few years ago we ripped out some plants right in front of our house and Dallas had this vision to do these pavors there. They looked really nice but over the years it had sunk down so he has been wanting to rip them all out and do it again. I have not been excited for that project and didn't really want much to do of it. So luckily I wasn't around when he started it. He ripped them all out and decided he wanted to learn how to do concrete. Jaris his good friend knew how to do it and he came down to help and teach him. These boys crack me up, Dallas always has to have some kind of project going. So I had to get a picture of him, Jaris and Jono working on it.
Dallas is definitely a little boy at heart and will forever be. He bought him and Cohen these little racing trucks and they take them out every day. Cohen has actually became really good at it I was quite surprised. They take them to our neighbors backyard and jump down over rocks and such. Boys will be boys!
Cohen and Kenzley playing the piano and singing I am a Child of God.
Cohen and Kenz helping me make muddy buddies for our little supercross party! What good little helpers I have.


Anonymous said...

My favorite part of the zoo besides the baby elephant was when Kenzley would be looking intently in a window and an animal would get in her face. She would jump pretty good. I loved going on the Merry Go Round with the kids and was happy Cohen was thrilled to ride the panda. Thanks for inviting me.

Anonymous said...

I love my little nomadic family. I am glad you are creating fun memories. Thanks so much for all your support. I love the flowers and the song sung by Cohen and Cayman in the hospital. It was the highlight of my visit, next to having a new lease on life with a fixed heart.

Thanks for coming up again to wish me Happy Birthday on Saturday. I could just sit and be content for the rest of my life watching my little family spend time together. That was the best gift and medicine in the whole world. I love your guys!!!!!