Wednesday, August 29, 2012

End of Summer

 Kenzley loves her brother so much and she will do anything that he does. Here she got out his dirtbike helmet to wear and wants one for herself so bad! I think it's so cute to watch her ride her pedal bike with this huge helmet on!

 The other night we decided to go to the owlz game with our pass of all passes. It was pretty fun. The kids ran around alot so I didn't get to watch that much of the game but it was definitely fun to do something else!

 Kenzley kept giving Jaris kisses so she could drink more of his drink!

 Here is Kenzley's new helmet. Since Cohen podiumed three times racing we got a $100 credit at the dirtbike store and since Cohen has all his gear we decided to get Kenz a helmet and goggles and she loves it. We got home and she wanted to wear it all and it was 90+ degrees outside and she was sweating so bad but she still wanted to wear it. Silly girl!

 Saturday night we went to the Spanish Fork Demolition Derby for Martin's birthday and boy was it a good derby. Cars were flipping and rolling all over the place it sure was a fun night!

 Cohen had a day where he got to go and meet his teacher and take a tour of his classroom which I have been excited about since I am so curious as to what we are getting ourselves into! We went with our neighbors so here they are reading my kids a book they are sure nice to my kids!
 Playing on the kindergarten playground
 Afterwards we decided to have a last day of summer for the neighborhood since the older kids would start school the next day. We got the jump house out, the slip n slide, a little pool, all the squirt guns, the bike wash, the water hockey and of course the playground. The kids had a blast. I definitely couldn't do this everyday but since it was the last day of the summer it was fun for all of the kids.

 Kenzley was sure pooped after all the fun!
 That weekend we also decided to take one last camping trip and we went to Yuba Lake with some friends and neighbors and boy did we have a blast. I didn't even want to come back! We got there and set up camp and then I was surprised when all the cows walked over to get a drink so I had to get a picture of it.
 Then Dallas had to pull out his kite and try and bug the cows.
 One of the cows stood their ground and was totally eyeing us. I though at one point he was going to charge at us.

 The kids also flying the kite. Cohen even flew it all by himself!

 Daddy trying to scare me and it sure worked because he got so close to me he tangled me all up in his kite.
 Here Dallas is seeing if he could get close to Cohen. I think he sure did!
 The kids testing out the water.

 Going boating and this is where the kids love to hang out!
 The whole family going tubing and I was probably the most scared! I'm such a baby!
 The boys going tubing and they sure take it serious!

 Getting some air but still hanging on!

 Here they go!
 There's Dallas finally falling off. They were holding on for dear life.

 Baby Lola is the best baby I have ever met. So chill and never cries. Man if I could have babies like that I would have had like 6!
 Oh no here comes a big wave!
 And there goes Jono!
 What my kids do best on the boat falling asleep!

 The best wreck of the day!
 Dallas and the kids and I was too scared to go!

 The kids loving to play in the water!

 The boys chilling eating pistatchios

 Dallas flying the kite in the tube but it didn't last too long because the kite fell and the ended up being stranded in the lake for a minute!

 My kids thinking they are big like the adults just chilling and talking at the campfire!

 So relaxed!

 Kenz made a friend and also playing with the seagulls.
 We had such an enjoyable time. Usually I am excited to go home after camping but since we haven't camped too much this summer it was seriously a blast just camping in our trailer, hanging out with friends and relaxing! Now we will be back to life and a new life with kids going to school! Wish us luck! Back to School Post coming soon!

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