Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas to all!

Christmas time is one of our most favorite times of the year. Dallas starts counting down the day after christmas and I always get an update through out the year. I love the decorations, the festivities, the lights, the spirit it brings, traditions, family time, the joy in the kids eyes as they open presents or see Santa. I could go on but I will stop there. It is a very fun time of the year and I hope it brings as much joy to everyone else as it does to ours. However I must say adding kids to the mix makes it 10 times more enjoyable. Even though Cohen may not have fully understood it this year it still was a blast to watch him come out and see all of his presents.
I need to start with earlier this week though. We finished Dallas' birthday and the next night we had a family party on my mom's parents side of the family. We treked up to Salt Lake and had a fun time getting together with family that we don't see very much and seeing how much all of the great grand kids had grown. We had dinner, heard the story of the nativity and then played white elephant like we always do. Dallas got the scottie dog that is a cookie jar who really isn't the most attractive thing you have seen, which is probably why it comes back every year. We are planning to put something in it that is really cool next year so trust me people you are going to want that Scottie Dog!!!

Christmas Eve we went to my mom's house where both my brothers came. We had a nice turkey and ham dinner there. My mom read the kids a christmas book and we opened some more presents. Cohen is starting to get to the the age where if someone takes something away from him he starts to cry and get upset so there is a funny picture of that. We had a very nice time there and thanks to everyone for making it so fun.

We came home and started putting some of Cohen's toys together and Dallas had to finish wrapping some presents because he is not as on top of things as I am! :) We got everything put together and we were so excited for Cohen to wake up and find all his new toys. He had a garage set where the cars wind down a road, and he got a scooter and then Dallas' old match box cars and a mat to play on them with. Those were all set up for him and everything else was wrapped.

When morning came we got Cohen up and fed him breakfast in our room, both me and Cohen were held captive in there until Dallas' parents came down. As soon as they got there we came out, Cohen went straight for the match box cars and the mat and I saw the fireplace that we have been wanting forever. That was a nice surprise. Cohen then saw his scooter and he absolutely loved it and then he saw his garage set so from there on out he pretty much just bounced from toy to toy and every once in awhile opening a gift in between. We continued to open our present and had so much fun. Dallas really does spoil us! We had a great Christmas morning. Here are some pictures of what we got.

After we were done opening present and eating breakfast, we went up to Dallas' Grandma Frankies house where she has the whole family over for lunch. We all talked ate lunch and enjoyed watching the kids play with their new toys. Cohen got a remote control fourwheeler with a rider on it and I think the older guys were having just as much fun driving it then Cohen. He loves it though he had to hold it on the way home and he just had a tight grip on it as he fell asleep.
We then went to Dallas' Dad's house and had more Christmas there. Cohen had so much fun getting into his stocking and opening up more presents. We ate dinner there and played with his cousin Tristyn.
After our busy day we came home and tried to calm down a little. Once Cohen was asleep me and Dallas had to play his new game Blockus which is very fun. Well I hope everyone enjoyed my writing on our Christmas and I really hope everyone else had a fun Christmas! So Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!


Anonymous said...

Such great pictures. I am really glad you guys had such a nice Christmas, although we really missed you! Hope to see ya soon!

Coby and KaeDawn said...

Looks like you guys had a way fun Christmas!! I cant believe how big Cohen is getting.. I hope I get to see you guys soon!!