Tuesday, December 23, 2008

So much to say

It has been awhile since I have last blogged so I feel like there is just so much to say. December is a very busy month for us so sometimes it is hard for me to keep up! I will just give you a recap of the past few events. At the beginning of the month we went to the festival of trees, which I just think is an amazing event. I think it just gets you in that christmas mood which is wonderful, and I love the cause behind it! The trees are gorgeous, and the gingerbread houses are maginificent. All the time and dedication people put into these projects I think they are just amazing! So that was a fun way to start off the christmas season!

Then we celebrated our anniversary on the 14th, and we just went to a movie and dinner. We saw the movie Four Christmases and we loved it. We both come from divorced families so the movie was perfect for us. I think we laughed more than anyone else in the theater. Then we just missed Cohen too much so we went and picked him up and went to one of our favorite places up in Salt Lake, it's a little Italian restraunt called the Italian Village. They have amazing pizza benders that we just love. On the way home we stopped through Thanksgiving Point to look at the lights. It was a nice relaxing evening, and I just can't believe it's already been two years, time has sure flown by and we have just had so much fun and it feels like we just live life full speed but I wouldn't have it any other way. I just have to say how thankful I am for the man that I fell in love with and am still so very much in love with. I couldn't have asked for a more perfect friend, husband, or father. I look up to him in so many ways and he is definitely my biggest hero. He has taught me so much and I can't say enough about how lucky I am to have met him and how lucky I am that he loves me as much as I love him! I am always amazed that he chose me out of all the ladies in Orem! But he did and because of that I seriously feel like I have that fairy tale ending that I have always waited for and I'm so thrilled to spend forever with him!

Now moving on from all the mushiness. We celebrated Dallas' 28th birthday last night. I cooked his favorite meal which is chicken burrittos and we had a few friends over last night and just hung out. It was so fun because everyone brought their kids and let me just say I love kids they are so adorable and hilarious I could just squeeze them all so here are some pictures of last night. So because of this there are more pictures of the kids then really anyone else. It was so cute though because Cohen just held Olivia's hand and just walked her all around the house and gave her hugs and fishes. It was just love at first sight for those two! And honestly they looked so cute together!

Now for some random pictures and random stories. Cohen just crackes me up sometimes, we were over visiting a neighbor the other day and he was all bundled up and we get inside and he takes off his beanie and lifts up his foot so I can take off his boot and starts pulling apart his coat and then mine. I just love how they try to tell you things.
We are our wards nursery leaders and I just have to say they say the darnest things. One of our kids this past sunday was acting like a cat so she was licking the baby doll so one of the other girls goes into the toy box and pulls out a black baby doll and says here taste this chocolate one. Me and Dallas cracked up laughing so hard, kids really just say the darnest things and I am so glad we are there to experience it. I just love our little kids and almost wish I could stay with them all through out their classes.
Now here are pictures of Cohen just being silly Cohen, he loves to get into things and just loves the dishwasher and this time I wasn't so quick to get him out. Then hopefully I can get the video up of Cohen trying a sour skittle he makes the cutest faces. And we also have a video of him playing the piano and singing he just loves it. So hopefully you guys have enjoyed these!

1 comment:

Nikki Taylor said...

Wow Cohen is quite the singer! I loved it!! He is so stinkin cute! Sounds like you guys have been super busy! I love when you update your blog! Good job!