Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy 2nd Birthday Cohen!!!

I can't believe my little baby just turned 2 years old it's crazy how fast time flies! We have thouroughly enjoyed every second with Cohen! For his birthday we were going to go to seven peaks but of course it got rained out since apparently that's all June is doing lately is raining. So we went to plan B. My mom came down to spend the day with him and we took him over to Jumping Jacks and just let him play around for awhile and of course he was in 7h heaven, I swear every kid just loves those places! They are all so wild when they are there but I sure do love seeing the smile on his face and how happy he is!

Afterwards we came home and took a quick nap because it wore all of us out. However me and my mom made Dallas go to instacare because the night before he at Motorcross he landed on his foot funny and it looks huge and black and blue! The doctor thinks that the plate of tendons on his foot may have got torn. He is having a hard time getting around he just hops everywhere he goes! Once he was done with that, some of our family came down for dinner and to celebrate Cohen's birthday. Here are some of the pictures of Cohen opening his presents. He got alot of fun things from everyone and a huge thank you to them all!
Here Cohen is so funny he would rip just a little piece of wrapping paper and hand it over to Ryker and say here go. He would take forever opening his presents because he just tore little pieces.

This present while he was opening it he hit a button on it so the present started talking and he thought it was pretty funny and just squeeled with delight and then was so happy when he opened it and found out it was Tow Mater!

Cohen and Ryker had so much fun together playing with the car set where Frank chases Lightening McQueen they both loved that toy!
Lately when me and Cohen are outside playing he sees all the boys riding their bikes down the street and he runs up to the street to watch them everytime and you can just see the look in his face like he is wanting to say can I come and ride bikes and it would break my heart cause you could tell he wanted to be a part of that fun so bad. So we decided to finally get him a bike. At first I just wanted a trike but this bike is more like the bikes the boys ride around and he loves it and it's just small enough for him to ride!
This is what happens when we are trying to share! He is definitely two years old now but we are working on the sharing part! Him and Ryker actually did really good they only cried a couple of times but for the most part they played together really well and would show each other how the toys worked it was really cute!

Some of the decorations and the Mickey Mouse cake. I really wanted a toy story cake because Cohen loves Toy Story but nobody sells anything like that so we did Mickey Mouse since we just got back from Disneyland and he loved his cake!

Cohen was having a hard time waiting to blow out his candles he just kept going to blow them and Daddy had to stop him. Finally daddy got it lit and we started singing and he waited patiently and when we were done we said ok you can blow them out now and he sure did!

Then I look over and see this! Everyone started laughing so hard. He wouldn't stick his fingers or hand in it cause he hates to get his hands dirty so he resorted to just putting his face in the cake and eating it!

He loves his chair and lounges around in it just like me and Dad sit on our couches. I am so glad that Cohen had such a fun day! I think he loved everywhere aspect of the day from jumping to opening present and digging into the cake. It was such a great experience to celebrate his birthday. I can't tell you enough how fun it is to have kids and do all the little things that they so much enjoy! I look forward to next year to do this all over! Again thanks to everyone that came and for the presents we love you all very much!


Unknown said...

Happy Birthday Cohen! It sure looks like a fun day for you all. I wish we could have been there. I can't believe that Cohen is already 2! What a big boy! They grow up so fast!
Happy Birthday again! Love the Cottrell's!

Anonymous said...

I had so much fun yesterday. I hope he liked the cake. It appears he was happy with it when he kept pushing the button on the Mickey and Minnie toy on top. It wa fun to see him squeall with delight. I really got a kick of how he just dove mouth first and took big bites out of the edge of the cake.

It was so much fun watching explore and jump. Thank you so much for sharing this special day with me. Love, Lit'l Grandma Connie : )

Nikki Taylor said...

Happy Birthday Cohen! It looks like the day turned out perfect...just like I knew it would!

The Browers said...

Happy 2nd birthday Cohen!! I can not believe that he is already 2.

Anonymous said...

I have to check in on my main little man before Grandma goes to bed. I love you Cohen.

Love, Lit'l Grandma Connie

Coby and KaeDawn said...

Oh he is so adorable! Happy Birthday Cohen!! We need to get together soon:)