Monday, February 22, 2010

Sand Dunes

Cohen lately has been asking for a dirt bike for his birthday but we told him that before he could get a dirt bike he had to wear a dirt bike helmet. He hated the dirt bike helmets before and would not wear him. Once we told him that he couldn't have a dirt bike until he wore one he finally gave in and put on my helmet. Now that's all he wants to do is wear my helmet.
Kenzley is quite a bit more spoiled then Cohen as a baby. We would never let Cohen sleep with us in our bed. Kenzley has been sick lately with a stuffy nose and cough and is not sleeping as well as she usually does so we have let her sleep a little bit with us. She looks so small in our bed.
Here is Kenzley's first pigtail!
I love how she is relaxing her foot up.
Cohen said, "Mom take a picture of me holding Kenz"
Cohen cracks me up. I had to go to Costco to stock up on some stuff for the dunes and I told Cohen that, well he got confused and thought we were going to the dunes. Lets just say he was pretty upset with me when I pulled into Costco. He was so mad that we weren't at the dunes and did not want to get out of the car. I said well Kenz is coming in, then he got upset and wanted to come inside. He gets so excited to go to the dunes he clenches his fists and shakes them and says I so excited. It's adorable. I'm glad that we can do this as a family together!Cohen driving his truck at the Sand Dunes
I took Cohen for a ride in the razer. I think he had more fun laughing at me screaming. I love that he can ride with us now, it makes is much more fun.
Dallas jumping his dirt bike.

Cohen posing with the girls. He loved playing with them.

Cohen watching Ryker ride his dirt bike and he wanted to go so bad. He would follow them everywhere.

CJ and Jackie came down with us. It was fun to watch them since they have never been to the dunes before. It was a whole new experience for them.

We almost got Cohen to ride Rykers dirt bike but he didn't want to wear the helmet so he backed out.
Uncle CJ and Cohen. The other day I asked Cohen what his name was and he says Cohen Jackman and then he goes to say I not a man I a big boy. CJ was there and told him to say Jackboy. Now he goes around saying his name is Cohen Jackboy.

The ride home from the dunes we sure wore Cohen out.
Even into the next day he fell asleep while eating dinner.
Kenzley even likes playing with Cohen's monster trucks.

Cohen thought that was pretty cool, that his little sister would play with him!


Nikki Taylor said...

That looks like SOOO much fun!! Man, I need to become your friend so I can go on some of these fun outings. Oh ya, I am pregnant..I can't..but ONE day!! So glad you guys had a fun time!

Anonymous said...

So much fun. I love "Jackboy".