Thursday, March 4, 2010

Nascar in Vegas

I never thought in a million years that I would ever go to Nascar. Years ago I probably wouldn't even be able to tell you anything about it and now I go to it and am into it. Thanks to marrying my lovely redneck husband. He has introduced me to many new experiences, stuff that otherwise I would never do. I actually enjoy most of it. Last year I started watching it with him on Sundays usually we fall asleep during it and then watch the last 30 laps. Dallas has always wanted to go and has never been so I tried to surprise him with tickets for his birthday but as we all know I am a terrible secret keeper. I ended up telling him about it and asking where he wanted to sit and if he wanted to do the 3 day event or 1 day. He was excited about it and that was fun to see. When I first purchased them for him back in October I was thinking I wouldn't go and he could take a guy friend with him since Kenzley would only be 2 1/2 months, however once she was born I started looking forward to it since it would be a nice vacation for me. It ended up being a good time for me since Dallas was up in Portland for work. He was there most the week and I was starting to feel like a single mom. I was really looking forward to him coming home and then us going to Vegas and not having to worry about my kids every minute. Except Dallas got pretty sick up in Portland. He came home with a nasty cough and sounded terrible and he felt terrible too. Of course we still went and had a good time spending it with eachother. We rarely get time alone between the kids and Dal's job. Since he was sick we didn't do much we went to the races and the first day we ended up leaving early because it was raining and really cold which was not helping Dallas feel any better. We went to Cheesecake factory then back to the hotel and we both crashed. I was looking forward to being able to sleep through the night with no kids waking us up. Except little did I know that I would still wake up at 3am to have to pump. Dang nursing, oh well the next night I slept most of it which was a nice change. Sunday was the day of the big race and thank heavens the weather turned around and was 61 degrees much better. We had alot of fun that day. Dallas' racer Jimmie Johnson won. He was happy about it. Jeff Gordon was leading most of the race and then within the last 20 laps Jimmie past him. It was a good race. My guy however sucked that day. Brian Vickers was always in the pits so that was a disappointment but I still think he is cute and will continue to root for him! All in all we had a relaxing weekend. It's probably the first time I have not shopped while in Vegas but we got sleep and at this stage of life that is pretty dang important!
Carl Edwards race car
Caution lap

Jimmie Johnson's pit
Brian Vickers pit

Me sporting Insulation Specialists! Woot Woot

Me and the kids at the aquarium!
Cohen has been begging all winter long to build a snowman. It snowed today and I told Dal I don't care when you get home but you need to take him out and build a snowman! They did and here is the result so cute. Too bad it was cold and Cohen is getting sick and he didn't stay out too long.
This is the best video I have gotten of Kenzley smiling and talking. Love when she smiles there is twinkle in her eyes and it's too cute!


Nikki Taylor said...

aHHH Kenzley is SOOO beautiful!! I was the time she grows out of all her adorable clothes, my baby will be ready to wear them. You should pass them on to me! Seriously, she always has the cutest clothes on!!

gusfamilyblog said...

You have the cuttest family!!! We need to reconnect. you should e-mail me. Misty (Orr) Gustaveson

Colby and Steph said...

I love that it was dark outside and your boys were making a snowman.

Anonymous said...

I always love the updates.Can't wait to see you guys on Sunday. Hope my health turns around and I can get down and play with the kids. Still needing to use the walker. Finishing up cortisone treatments today, but will continue the other treatment. Love you guys so much. Mom and Lit'l Grandma Connie

Marc and Alexis said...

So glad to hear you finally got away for a sec. How are the kids by the way? We have been thinking about you, Rylinn has been wanting to play with Cohen so bad! Fun vacation and I love your snowman Cohen!