Happy Easter everyone hope you all had a fantastic Eater weekend!
Kenzley sporting her pigtails. I love that I can do my months old hair it's so fun. Kenzley's easter stash. Cohen can be hard to get to pose for a picture so I pretty much followed him around the house and this was the best I could get. I think he is pretty handsome. Kenzley in her easter outfit, what a cutie!
This is what the easter bunny left at our house! I must admit I'm not the best easter bunny. The other day we were shopping and I take the kids with me whenever I shop which I probably might not want to do for holidays anymore. Cohen found this Handy Manny and loved him so I bought it for him right then. When we got home I hid him and he was asking for him later that night and I said maybe the Easter Bunny will bring it for you. So for easter he see him and says the Easter Bunny gave handy manny back for me! I was laughing so hard. I guess I should start shopping alone now. Cohen's easter eggs he painted and decorated. Cohen loved painting easter eggs this year and we all had fun with him. Kenzley enjoyed watching her brother. Now instead of being scared of Cohen she is starting to laugh at him. It is very cute. Cohen and Daddy dunking their oreo cookies in milk before bed We went swimming the other day and I forgot to take pictures out in the pool so I only got pictures when we were done and changing. But we had alot of fun. Cohen regressed a little bit and didn't like swimming as much as he did last year. So we will have to go some more and practice his swimming lessons. Kenzley however loved floating on her back she was such a great baby! I had just stuck her under the hand dryer to dry her hair so her hair is everywhere! Dallas was out of town for a week up in Portland for work so me and Cohen had a fun activity every day to keep us busy. We went to Jumping Jacks, the aquarium, discovery gateway and playgrounds. I didn't take too many pictures because it was too hard to take pictures and keep track of two kids but we had lots of fun and it definitely helped the week go by fast. I was also happy that the were very very good for me. Cohen never threw any tantrums and he always went straight to sleep when I put him down at night. They were both angels for me which of course was heavenly! But it is definitely nice to have daddy home! Kenzley chilling in the trailer at the sand dunes. I have never put a beanie on her because I didn't want to cover her hair but she was so stinking cute in it. I drove the kids over to sand mountain to watch Daddy race. When we got there we watched Daddy go up a couple of times and then Cohen asked me to drive up and I said no way so then he says I will drive and I was like uh no. Once daddy came down Cohen asked for him to take him up the hill. So Cohen got on Dallas' banshee and they raced up Sand Mountain. Cohen is such a brave little boy! I doubt very many 2 years olds have raced up that hill. It must have worn him out he fell asleep and so did Kenzley. I don't know how they can sleep with all the loud fourwheelers but the sure did. I think Kenzley even sleeps better in the trailer that she does at home. Cheese! Kenzley loves playing on her activity mat. She will seriously lay there and play for an hour and Cohen of course has to play with whatever she does. Cohen hasn't been taking his regular naps for me in his bed as much. The other day it got real quiet and I went and checked on him and he had fallen asleep on his couch watching a movie.
Dallas and I met on June 25, 2006 and it was love at first sight. I had just moved to Branbury apartments in Provo where I was scared by a loud noise in the parking lot, and the maker of the loud noise that took me off guard was Dallas Jackman. We ended up talking late into the night about everything. It soon became history from there, we started hanging out everyday and I went along on Dallas' crazy adventures like the late nights to the dunes and the trips up AF canyon. We went to Disneyland short while later and that is where we fell in love. Aterwards we decided to tie the knot and we have had out happily ever after and continue to.
1 comment:
Your kids are so adorable.. I just love them!! Looks like you had such a fun easter:)
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