Happy 4th of July! Hope everyone had a great holiday and remembered why we are celebrating it! We went up to Provo's temple grounds to watch the fireworks from Stadium of the Fire. We had a good time playing with friends and being together as a family! I love fireworks, so any excuse to go watch them I am there! Cohen and Mathias playing soccer.Cohen eating cotton candy. Kenzley loved the fireworks she stared at them! She did great hanging out there! Like father like son. It's funny how much these two are alike. Their personalities are identical. The next day we invited some neighbors over for dessert and then we went out and did snaps and sparklers. We had a great time and love our neighbors! Levie and Clarke families. Heather was a pro and starting the sparklers. Dallas decided to get in on it and pranced around with his sparklers. What a funny guy I am married to! All the kids laid down together but it was too hard to get a picture of them all looking at me! The next morning we went to the parade with the Levies in Provo! I love watching Cohen and Rylinn together they are so cute and are always hugging and holding hands! After the parade we decided to go boating! Cohen snacking on all the snacks! Here is Cohen's new girlfriend Katie He loves her! Marty sporting his speedo! One night this is what I found when I went to go to bed. Cohen must have snuck out of bed and into the hallway and he fell asleep! He cracks me up! The next weekend as soon as Dallas got home from Denver we went straight to the Dunes. Cohen has been begging to take his dirt bike to the sand dunes since he got it. He loved his dirt bike and is a natural at it. He did amazing and I am so proud of him. A couple days ago we need a relaxing day and decided to go the Lindon pool. They have the surfing thing so the guys hung out there and practiced their surfing skills. However I think they came home with more neck pain than anything. We had alot of fun and Cohen finally became less terrified of the water. We got Cohen to swim in the lazy river and even Kenzley joined in. She would kick her legs and was so happy. Kenzley has been having a hard time eating food. She always pushes it right back out with her tounge. Finally for two days she was doing so good and then she learned how to spit and do the motor boat with her mouth. Now every time you try and put food in her mouth she spits everywhere! I never had this problem with Cohen he was always so clean but Kenz isn't. She is a messy little thing. I'm sure I will be going out in public with peas and green beans and who knows what else all over me! Hopefully she will start to get it soon! Also this week we have a crawler. Kenzley is now crawling and she is such a happy baby! I love watching her figure things out it's so much fun! I just have to say how grateful I am for my family. I have the most amazing kids and husband. I am so thankful for our freedom and to be able to live in this country. I know sometimes we are disappointed in decisions that the politicians make and such but this really is a great country to live in! I hope people don't take it for granted!
Such a cute cute family! I so wish we lived closer so we could see you guys more often! You are always doing such fun things! Can't believe Kenz is crawling...that is just CRAZY!
Love your posts! Thanks for taking pictures of all the fun... We are so grateful to have such good friends like you! We just love spending time together with you:)Way to go Kenz, i love to see her eating so well... YEA:)
How fun I love this time of year. Getting out and watching fireworks and got to parades. It is also more fun with kids. I can't believe that Kenz in crawling. So Sammy and Kenz can get around and play with each other.
I am so glad you are enjoying our patriotic month. You are creating such fun memories. Thank you so much for letting Kenzley spend the day with me. I loved watching her play, coo, do the raspberry thing, crawl and look around. I had a great day hope you did too.
Dallas and I met on June 25, 2006 and it was love at first sight. I had just moved to Branbury apartments in Provo where I was scared by a loud noise in the parking lot, and the maker of the loud noise that took me off guard was Dallas Jackman. We ended up talking late into the night about everything. It soon became history from there, we started hanging out everyday and I went along on Dallas' crazy adventures like the late nights to the dunes and the trips up AF canyon. We went to Disneyland short while later and that is where we fell in love. Aterwards we decided to tie the knot and we have had out happily ever after and continue to.
Such a cute cute family! I so wish we lived closer so we could see you guys more often! You are always doing such fun things! Can't believe Kenz is crawling...that is just CRAZY!
Love your posts! Thanks for taking pictures of all the fun... We are so grateful to have such good friends like you! We just love spending time together with you:)Way to go Kenz, i love to see her eating so well... YEA:)
How fun I love this time of year. Getting out and watching fireworks and got to parades. It is also more fun with kids. I can't believe that Kenz in crawling. So Sammy and Kenz can get around and play with each other.
I am so glad you are enjoying our patriotic month. You are creating such fun memories. Thank you so much for letting Kenzley spend the day with me. I loved watching her play, coo, do the raspberry thing, crawl and look around. I had a great day hope you did too.
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