Tuesday, June 24, 2014

May Catch Up

 Dresser shopping for Kenzley. We had to stop and sit and take a break.
 We have had fun with the bounce house!
Kenzley and her friend Drake riding around in her jeep. She is one crazy driver!

 Since I have been driving Cohen to and from school, one day he had a program a couple of hours after school, so we went to the splash pad to waste some time.  Felt good to be out in the sun and water!
 Cohen's end of school year program. He did a great job singing.

 After his program we went back to his class room to look at his book for the year.
 The day finally came to get Cohen's cast off! I think I am the most excited because I'm so sick of bathing and wiping three kids bums. You forget how much a kid can't do with their right arm. The doctor said that it healed really good. His elbow looks like there wasn't even a fracture so maybe he sprained it bad. Then his actual break was healing perfectly. He said two more weeks and he would be completely fine! Wahoo!

 We had Dallas' family over to celebrate his mom's birthday and while Stacey was there Dallas had her work on his ingrown toe. He has had a ingrown toe I swear for a year that he constantly complains about. He was in quite a bit of pain as she was working on it.

 The girls playing nicely with their doll house before church. So cute!

 The people that lived in our new house before us I don't think took care of the yard at all. The rock walls are covered in weeds and the grass is covered in dandy lions. We have had the grass sprayed and it's starting to come back and then we are trying to sterilize the weeds. Also, I have been weeding everything like crazy. My hands are so hurt and tired. I need to get an after picture because I have one rock wall completely weeded and am half way done with the other. It has been so much work but hopefully next year our yard will look good. But this is a little glimpse of what I have been dealing with.

 We have been going to seven peaks and having fun!
 Kenzley loves the racoon at RMR

 Love this girl so much. Brinley is starting to eat regular food and she thinks she is pretty big!

 Me and Camie rarely if ever get a night out with none of our kids or husbands for the matter. After the move and vacation and everything else going on I needed a girls night out! We went and got a pedicure, walked around the mall, ate at Outback, and then sat in the car till Midnight talking. It felt so good to have a night out and remember I am more than just a wife, mom, house cleaner and all that fun stuff that comes with being a wife and mom. It was nice to be just me and have fun! I definitely think I need more nights like this. I absolutely love this girl and would be so lost without her!
 Boys will always love playing in any tractor they can get!

 Dallas caved in and ended up buying a projector for the theater room. When buying this house both me and Dallas were not that excited about the theater room. Neither of us watch movies all that often and I thought it was more of a wasted room then anything. I did not think we would use this room at all!. Then one day after Dallas had worked a long day in the heat he came down to the theater room and watched a movie on our little tv in there. He had so much fun he got the itch to get a projector. Two weeks later he got a projector and it is now our favorite room. I am pleasantly surprised at how much I like it in there. Plus the kids love it!

 While the older two love the theater room Brinley loves the stairs. She has figured out how to go up them but can only go down like three stairs then she gives up. Brinley is always over playing on the stairs.
 Kenzley loves this hat of hers. She wears it almost daily and now even sleeps in it. One morning she snuck into our bed and this is what I woke up too! How cute is she!
 Me and Brinley shopping for her first birthday! I cannot believe she is going to be one! Where did the time go!
 Brinley sitting at the big table eating with everyone!

 My kids love to unbuckle as soon as we get in our neighborhood. I guess they decided to unbuckle Brinley as well. I turned around after parking the car to see Brinley standing up. She thinks she is so big but aren't all three of them so cute! Love these kiddos!

 One day I looked out the window to see Kenzley dressed up in her friend Drakes Captain America costume. They were out fighting crime. I am so glad that Kenzley has already made such a good little friend and we absolutely love him. He is such a cutie and they play so well together! They are inseparable when they are both home. They will knock on eachothers door as early as 730 to play and then they play till 9pm nonstop!
 This is what started it all. Dallas wanting a projector.
 The day after Cohen got his cast off he said he really wanted to race. I on the other hand was very hesitant but obviously got out voted by these two. We told him absolutely no jumping and to take last place. Just go out there have some fun and take it easy. He did just that and was great. He wanted to race the next night too but luckily Dallas said that was probably enough for his arm.

 Movie night and the kids and Dallas slept in there too!
 We still had our playground at our old house. One day we had some time so we went down there to get it. We had some neighbors come over and help us move it onto a trailer and then we had a great time visiting with many of our old neighbors. While we were there one of our friends brought over a journal that many of our friends had written in for us. The day we moved our neighborhood had a farewell to us and three other families that had also recently moved. Sadly we were unable to make it since we had moved that day, but she brought over this journal. Me and Dallas were seriously so touched and amazed by everything people wrote. I read it aloud to my family as we drove to our new house and we were in tears. How thoughtful and nice is that for them to come together have a party and write messages to us. I am beyond grateful for this home and ward we lived in. It was me and Dallas' first house together, family ward together and where we raised three kids. There are so many memories there and friends. I am truly blessed to have known many, worked with many of them in the ward, taught by them, to teach their kids, and for our kids to be taught. I don't know how any other neighborhood will live up to these high standards. It seriously was an amazing place to live and we have wondered why we even moved, but change will be good and I'm sure more blessing will come.
 Crazy to think that 7 years ago we moved into this house with  a 3 month old and we felt like it was a castle. This house was huge compared to our little apartment. Now 7 years later and three kids, and many memories we have outgrown this house and needed to move on. I will definitely have a special place in my heart for this place though!

 Dirtbiking training session.

 Poor Cohen, he rides really hard and wrecked on his pedal bike. He got quite the road rash.
 Cohen got an early birthday present. Our friend Brian at the Edge went to the races in Colorado and was able to have Cohen's favorite dirt bike rider Ken Roczen sign Cohen's number plate! Cohen was very excited!

1 comment:

Richard and Camie said...

Such cute pictures! You are so great at keeping up your blog, mine is a little sad, lol! I miss you so much and you are such a great person and friend! I had such a great girls night and can't wait to hang out tomorrow! Jaxon keeps asking about Cohen and saying he hasn't played with him for such a long time so we'll have to get the kiddos together!