Thursday, August 7, 2014

Dallas' phone pictures July

 Helping Daddy clean his toys.

 Dallas and Cohen out riding together.
 Here are the Yuba Lake pictures. The water was perfect and weather which is not always like that at Yuba. We had a lot of fun. The kids got to go knee boarding and it was a hit and success for them. They loved it especially Kenzley!

 One day Kenz said she wanted to ride her dirtbike so we let her ride it down the street which was crazy because she really hasn't wanted a thing to do with her dirtbike in a couple of months now. We were all really surprised. I guess she had fun because the next day she asked if she could race. We told her she needed some practice so the next day they went to Tracey's track to practice and I brought her buddy Drake to surprise her. She was quite happy!

 The next day she was still loving it so she raced all weekend and Rocky Mountain Raceway. She did awesome. We are beyond proud of her! She got out there only wrecked a couple of times but still got back on the bike and finished!

 Silly kids!

 She thought it was pretty cool that she could go out there and help Cohen before his race.
 Dizzy crossing the finish line!

 Cohen helping Diz before her race!

 Love these two!

 The kids playing on the play ground. I had to throw in a picture of the backyard because it is finally coming together. We have gotten rid of all the weeds!

 Now for planting some trees.

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