Thursday, August 28, 2014

More summer fun

 We have gone to Seven Peaks a lot.
We have set up the slip n slide a lot.

 We have done a lot of dirt biking.
 Dad so proud of Kenzley
 Brinley hanging out in the car.
 The kids trying to catch something from the Racoon.

 These two sure do love their baby sister.

 Kenzley's first trophy.
 One morning I woke up and couldn't find Dallas anywhere in the house. The last place I ever thought he would be was out working in the yard. But there I found him and it just made my day. I have been begging for him to do yard work since we moved here and he doesn't love it. I even finally paid someone to come help me with the bigger stuff. So to see him out there working in the yard was one of the sexiest things I could ever see. He added a sprinkler, than we went and got two trees and some sod to fill in that back corner. So now the yard is cleaned up! Hopefully in the Spring we can plant some flowers and such!

 Eating breakfast outside. It was so lovely, hopefully we can do this more often!
 Hanging out at the Museum of Natural Curiosity.

 Brinley loved this water table.
 Kenzley loved this theater dress up room. I can't wait till I can get her into theater I think that is going to be her thing!
 One day just me and Kenz went to the Lindon pool, it was so much fun to spend one on one time with her. I don't get to do that very often with my kids and I cherished every minute of it!
 More racing.

 Love our Motocross family we have made!

 Planting our trees.
 Me and my homeward girlfriends (the ward I grew up in with all the girls from age 5 on up) We had a barbeque at our house for all the families. We have never really hung out with the husbands and have only gotten the kids together once in awhile, so I thought it would be fun to get everyone together. We had a blast, eating and catching up with everyone and getting to know the families better. Hopefully we can make this a yearly thing! These were the best pictures I got.

 Cohen and Kaden hit it off great. They were inseparable.
 The girls playing outside. I love how Sammy is posing!

 Brinley putting a net on her head silly girl.
 Brinley and Sawyer her bff playing in church together.
 Brinley loved the tire swing.
 One night we were able to get Dallas to come to the museum with us. The kids loved showing him all around. He went everywhere with them! He is such a good sport, especially since he hates going into dirty places like that.

 There is this pitch black maze and they have cameras in there so the people outside can watch the people inside going through the maze. Well apparently Dallas didn't know that that's what the little red light was. I love these pictures of him looking directly at the camera yet not knowing what it is. Pricelesss!

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