Monday, July 20, 2009

Fun in the Sun!

This summer we have turned into fishes and are always in the water! We start in the morning with swimming lessons with our neighbor Nan who does an amazing job might I add. The first couple times Cohen just screamed and hated it but now he is swimming under the water, rolling over and floating on his back! I am quite a proud mamma after this morning he did such an amazing job! He loves the swimming under the water part but not so much the floating on his back! And that is what will save his life if he ever fell in the water so thats what we are working on. He has been so funny in his swimming lessons the first few times he would just ask everyone for a hug or helps or pretty much anyway to get out of it but now he is learning that no one is going to help him out he just better do it. When he is floating on his back Nan sings pop goes the weasel and when he pops she pops Cohen out of the water. So she always asks him are you ready to pop and in between sobs he says no. Finally today he was so cute he goes Nan I want to pop! I was laughing so hard! I love how much he talks now he says the cutest things. After swimming lessons we usually come home for a nap and then sometimes in the evenings we will take the boat out and either take salesmen or installers if they are all doing well or sometimes just the wives and kids. Cohen absolutely loves it. Sunday he kept saying all day boat ride and he would put on his life jacket and wear it around. It's been alot of fun to go out and relax in the sun. Dallas finally had enough the other day and decided it was time for him to get out on the water which probably wasn't the brightest idea with his broken foot but he did well and he loved it! I can't not tell you enough how lucky I am and how much fun me and my family have together. I just look at Cohen and think man I am so lucky I have you, he is been the best little boy in the whole wide world and I can't wait to add our next addition. We find out next Tuesday if it's a boy or girl, so you can start placing your bets. Alot of people say a girl but I will probably go with a boy knowing my luck I will have a family of all boys! Again though I am really lucky for the boys I have in my life right now I definitely couldn't ask for anything better! I am one lucky mom and wife!

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