Friday, July 24, 2009

No shirt No shoes No problem

I know I know you all are problem sick of our boating pictures but this will be the last for at least a month! However it was by far my favorite boating day! The guys decided to take the wives and kids out one morning and an we had so much fun that we stayed all day! At first I didn't think we would be out very long cause usually it is just Tim and Mark that get out in the water but that day we all got adventurous! Dallas decided to get out surfing and he did so good! He let go of the rope and just kept going for awhile I wish I would have gotten a video. Well they all look like they are having so much fun and I always just have to sit and watch, so this time I said fine I want to get out there and try! So I did, which surprised me cause that stuff terrifies me. And the fact that I have never been able to get up on skis or really anything. I pop up on wake boards but I fall right back down because I find it so scary! This time I popped up and stayed up, granted I was terrified the whole time I was up and couldn't relax at all because I was so scared but I am so proud that I tried something new and did it! Then Alexis got out there and she did really good too. It was fun for us girls to get out there and show the guys what's up! Afterwards we pulled the tube out so we could take the kids out on it but Mark and Dallas decided to get a beating on it first. Mark was hilarious he was skipping across the water. He really got beat up. Tim was a little easier on Dallas so he didn't make his foot worse. While me dal and Cohen were out there on the tube we came up by this little bird island and then all of a sudden the boat stopped. We hit some rocks that you couldn't see off of that little island. Hence why the boat will be out of commision for a good month total bummer. On the way back Tim Wendi and Jax got a relaxing tube ride since we couldn't go faster than 5 miles an hour. It took us an hour to get back. So we took time to have us a little dance party. Mark and Alexis' daughter Rylinn is a dancer and she is a good one at that. Her and Cohen were having so much fun dancing and it was such great entertainment for us. I was laughing so hard. Those two are so cute. If I have a girl I hope she is just like her she is such a sweetheart! Needless to say despite the little crash we all had a really good time!
Next are some pictures of us at the Kenney Chesney concert. It is always a good time with Kenney. I never thought I would like country this much but since meeting Dallas I love country it is pretty much all I listen to! And it is so funny to watch and listen to Dallas sing, he cracks me up! Listening to Kenney definitely takes me back to the days when me and Dallas were dating since that's when I started listening to him! So this concert was definitely fun to go and see with him and everyone from his work and Spen and Jenny. It was a good time!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I never have been able to stay up on water ski's. Sure am proud of you. Glad you are having fun. Hope Dallas' "heals" real soon. Kind of funny to pray for Dallas' "heal" to "heal". Sounds funny. Hope mom and baby are well. It is good to see Cohen is always so happy.
Love, Mom