Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Atlanta Georgia SuperCross!

 Awhile ago Dallas submitted Cohen's resume and information to supercross junior. At some of the Super Cross races they let the juniors (kids) do a race. Sadly we missed all the races back west but Cohen was accepted to Atlanta Georgia! So of course we had to make the big trip out there. It was Kenzley's first airplane ride and Cohen's first airplane ride that he remembers. Luckily Super Cross provides the bikes and clothes and we just have to bring, boots, helmet and chest protector. We have been all super excited for this weekend. I have been more on the anxious side because the super cross tracks seem pretty hard for the kids but nonetheless I'm excited for him. It is a once in a lifetime opportunity. One of the requirements was you had to be 7 or 8 years old so we only had this year and next year to try.
The night before my brother Cj and his family were nice enough to let us stay at his house because they live super close to the airport and we wouldn't have to wake up as early to get there since our flight left at 615. So we slept there for a couple of hours and were awake by 4am ready to go. We ate McDonalds and then were on our way to Georgia!

 When we got there we were all so exhausted so we took a nap at the hotel and by time we woke up most things were closed that we wanted to do so the next best thing to do was find a bowling alley and go bowling!
 My pictures are kind of out of order because some of these are off of Dallas' phone. But the next day we decided to go to the aquarium. They have an amazing aquarium! I will tell more with the rest of the pictures.

 After the aquarium we decided to drive to the Georgia Dome so we could figure out where we needed to park and register.
 Luckily we found that the pits were indoor which is amazing because it was only 36 degrees in Atlanta. It was freezing. I was so surprised that no one told us to leave or that we weren't suppose to be in there. We went into where the pits section was going to be and walked around. We found out where to sign up and walked around for a bit and watched them set up and get ready! It was fun to walk around when no one else was there!

 Afterwards we went to the Martin Luther King museum. It was fun because Cohen just learned about him at school, so it was nice to go show him more of what he was all about and what life use to be like. I'm so glad it's not like that anymore so heartbreaking.
 Also while we were driving around we found one of our favorite restaurants that is in Las Vegas so we had to eat there. It was absolutely divine and delicious! It's called Bahama Breeze so yummy!
 Kenz checking out Cohen's ride!
 They had different speakers come and talk to the kids. Someone from the AMA committee, a pastor who did motivational speaking to them, medics, people telling them the flags and what to do. It was pretty cool.

 Walking the track.

 They were so good to these kids. They literally treated them like they were factory riders. They gave them so much free stuff. Here Cohen is with his all new gear, pants, jersey, gloves and oakley goggles. Him and Dallas both got shirts and hats. He got a super nice neck brace, a go pro, a gift certificate for free DC's, a gift card to Rocky Mountain ATV, a gift certificate for a dunlop tire and a back pack. These kids were in heaven.
 Waiting to be fitted for his neck brace.
 Coming out of the tunnel for their first practice.

 They even had the kids do an autograph session. There were actually a lot of people in their line to get their autographs. It was absolutely adorable!

 Ok sorry now back to my pictures
 On our airplane ride!

Waiting for the next plane.

 Such helpers pulling the big heavy bags.

 They had a full fledge dolphin show with a huge stadium. I was shocked and it was so good!

 This Sting Ray was Huge!

 Some kind of a shark

 These were dragon sea horses pretty cool

 The AMA truck.
 Walking around the empty pits.

 Ken Roczens bike.
 Martin Luther King museum.
 Getting all registered

 Checking out all the bikes.
 Signing his life away ;)
 A bag of goodies for them.

Getting his new clothes.

 Checking out his bike! Number 4

 This hill was super steep. Cohen was so scared and nervous to do it but it ended up being one of his favorite parts of the track.

 Me and Kenz just watching it all.

 On the way back from the stadium into the pits we were following right behind Kenzley's favorite rider Ryan Dungey. She even said hi to him and he said hi how are you and held the door open for us! She was so excited!
 Chilling in our tent they provided for us to stay for the day. It was so fun to be in the behind the scenes of super cross!

 Getting his neck brace fitted.
 The kids got a tour of Ryan Dungeys trailer. They thought that was pretty cool.

 Ryan Dungey on his bike.

 I'm ready mom let's do this!

 The poor dads had to push the kids on their bikes to and from the stadium. They got quite the work out!
 The cute boys signing their autographs.

 Love these kids of mine! Just hanging out in the pits!

 Kenzley making a sign for Cohen.
 Cohen and Dad talking.

 Pushing them off again.
 This was a very big busy trip and day for Kenz. A lot of walking and early morning. She was exhausted.

 Us finally all able to enjoy super cross together for the main events!

 Like I said Kenzley was exhausted. She also didn't like the hairstyle I did so she wore her spiderman hoodie and mask pretty much the entire day at the airport. Everyone was calling her Spiderman or thought she was a boy.

 We had such a great experience and I hope Cohen will remember this always because it definitely was a once in a life time deal!

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