Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Christmas Day

 It looks like Santa made it to our house and ate all his treats!
 The kids were super excited. Brinley woke up at 7am to eat and then she went right back down to bed. Then the kids woke up at 7:45 by then I tried to wake Brinley up so she could be a part of our Christmas morning but she was out! The kids came in and waited in our bed till we were all ready to go out to the family room.

 Checking out their stockings!

 New singing toothbrushes. These were a hit!
 Dad what did you get from Santa?!

 Dad loves his orange sticks!
 This year we decided to help Santa out with Brinley. No point getting her a bunch of new toys when we already had lots of toys! So we told the kids that we left some present out for Santa to give to Brinley!

 Spiderman socks and Batman socks! Kenz is obsessed with her Spiderman socks!

 Cohen was excited to get "KTM" color DC's

 Santa's wrapping paper was super hard to unwrap!

 I love Cohen's face when he opens presents!

 Got some movies, xbox games and books

 Leap Pad for Kenz so she isn't always stealing Cohen's Leapster
She has been wanting the whole Sofia the first family!
 the kids got each other dirtbikes
 Dallas got his dirtbiking clothes
 The kids got Disney Infinity

 It wouldn't be Christmas if Kenz didn't get her Buzz Lightyear Costume she has been begging for!

 The kids got Dallas an Orange Fox shirt and hat.
 Kenz getting all the presents from the back of the tree!
 Cohen loves Sully!

 I got clothes!

 The kids got some racing pedal bikes so we can go race more at the pedal bike track!

 Seeing that all the treats were gone!
 Kenz shooting her Brave bow and arrow!
 Brinley finally decided to wake up and she Loved everything in her stocking she was having a blast playing with them all it was so fun to see!

 This Minnie rattle is probably her favorite!
 Buzz Lightyear stopped by!

 Brin checking out her house and starting to open her presents.

 She was getting so mad that she couldn't reach it I love this picture!

 Grandma and Grandpa Utley came down to give them their presents. And my mom came down to see what the kids got.

 Cohen loves his Orange Dirtbike blanket. He told Grandma he needed a new blanket awhile ago so she has been on the search for something dirtbike and she hit the jackpot!

 I love Brin's little cheeser in this picture!

 Brinley loved all the wrappings!
 Is this not the cutest little 6 month old you have ever seen! I love her messy hair!

 Brin eating Daddies pants!

 These racing bikes are so light so the kids thought it was pretty awesome that they could lift them up!
Dallas ripping it up on Cohen's new ripstick. Santa should have brought him his very own!
 My Grandpa and Grandma Cottrell came down to give the kids their presents. They got figures for their Disney Infinity game.

 Oh how she loves the wrapping paper!
Well I hope everyone had a great Christmas! I know we sure did and we got spoiled rotten! Kind of glad the busy season is over but boy was it a good one!

1 comment:

Nikki Taylor said...

Looks like a FABULOUS Christmas! Such a cute little family you have there.